Neither POVERTY nor WEALTH alone makes a man criminally - TopicsExpress


Neither POVERTY nor WEALTH alone makes a man criminally avaricious. In both cases, his thievery is motivated by his desire to own more than he already possesses. And, by his willingness to break the laws in order to attain his hearts desire. The type of crime a man tends to commit is more a reflection of his social status, values and opportunity than it is a measure of his presumed venality. Accountants embezzle, why mug someone when you can more easily and profitably cook the books? The LOWER CLASSES rob HOUSES. The RULING CLASSES rob NATIONS. In the area of drug rehabilitation, it should be the pusher who is the object of detoxification for it is his addiction that is the true cause of addiction in others --- his addiction to THE AMERICAN DREAM! – Dr. Amos Wilson
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 08:50:01 +0000

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