Nelson Mandelas life what a heart breaking reality and sadly Im - TopicsExpress


Nelson Mandelas life what a heart breaking reality and sadly Im only witnessing the movie version... Im certain the real life version was worst then this movie could ever depict... This man was one of the better representations of African souls every where... Yet the struggle continues... May God bless us all... There is one RACE AND ONE PEOPLE... When will we start to see beyond the skin and start to see the flesh and the blood are one and the same??? We are one and we must unite as it was meant to be... ONE PEOPLE UNDER GOD... In the immortal words of the great Robert Marley: What life has taught me I would like to share with Those who want to learn Until the philosophy which hold one race Superior and another inferior Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned Everywhere is war, me say war That until there are no longer first class And second class citizens of any nation Until the color of a mans skin Is of no more significance than the color of his eyes Me say war That until the basic human rights are equally Guaranteed to all, without regard to race Dis a war That until that day The dream of lasting peace, world citizenship Rule of international morality Will remain in but a fleeting illusion To be persued, but never attained Now everywhere is war, war And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes That hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique South Africa sub-human bondage Have been toppled, utterly destroyed Well, everywhere is war, me say war War in the east, war in the west War up north, war down south War, war, rumors of war And until that day, the African continent Will not know peace, we Africans will fight We find it necessary and we know we shall win As we are confident in the victory Of good over evil, good over evil, good over evil Good over evil, good over evil, good over evil... Im certain war in this regard is a peaceful war of boycotting and dissipate the indifference between the skin colors; financial injustice; mass pollution fermenting from what we are fed daily... It is unfortunate that war in the current time in history exceeds that of past and we are on the march for peace... Peace for continued substance for all under fair, equatable conditions and humane existence for one and all... May the power be for all, as God willed it... PEACE IN ANY LANGUAGE IS STILL PEACE... Let us live for peace and God!!! With peace, love and harmony THERE is where we exist, as one PEOPLE with our God... Regard, John-Poe
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 02:38:32 +0000

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