Nepotism in the Workplace With Friends by Christina Hamlett, - TopicsExpress


Nepotism in the Workplace With Friends by Christina Hamlett, Demand Media No matter how well intentioned you are in hiring your friends to work in your small business, its a slippery slope youre about to traverse if your other employees perceive this act as just the first step in a long road of favoritism. When pre-existing personal relationships appear to take precedence over actual qualifications in the hiring process, the adverse effects on morale are likely to be felt by all parties involved. Ads by Google SDA Bocconi EMSHRM Executive Master Strategic HR Mgmt Download the Definition Nepotism is a form of discrimination in which family members or friends are hired for reasons that do not necessarily have anything to do with their experience, knowledge or skills. It occurs more frequently in family-owned businesses, nonprofit organizations, small companies and the performing arts than in public-sector positions. In addition to the outright recruitment of friends for jobs they are incapable of performing well, another tactic of nepotism is to create job specs that are precisely tailored to the qualifications of only one person -- the friend the employer wants to hire. Another method is the practice of giving a test and awarding the job to the applicant with the highest score. The winner, however, is provided with the answers in advance. The Effect on the Employer Subordinates will likely take a dim view of an employers ethics and judgment when she hires her friends for job openings. Cronyism -- a partiality towards hiring close supporters -- may suggest that the employer is weak, insecure and requires a network of allies to support her decisions. In addition to inspiring little confidence in her power and authority, a boss who embraces nepotism is deemed unlikely to make fair assessments of others accomplishments, especially when it comes to promotional opportunities. Nor will workers think such an employer can be relied upon to dispense appropriate discipline if the wrongdoer happens to be a friend. There are, of course, exceptions to this. Hiring someone you know means that youre already attuned to her strengths and weaknesses and feel comfortable that she knows how you think. If the friendship is longstanding and secure, she has a vested interest in not letting you down and in maintaining the professionalism to keep both halves of your lives appropriately separate. Related Reading: What Is the Meaning of Workplace Role Culture? The Effect on the Employee Even if a friend is truly the best qualified in the candidate pool, he enters the workplace equation under an immediate cloud of suspicion. Everything he does could be scrutinized for signs of incompetence. Every decision he makes could be challenged to test his allegiance. Every friendship he attempts to make could be interpreted as just a ploy to learn secrets and report back to the boss. Although the respect of his coworkers may eventually be won if the worker proves himself worthy, the stress of being watched, judged and distrusted in the interim can take an emotional and physical toll. The Effect on Office Morale Nepotism can foster hostile feelings of inequality that employees may react to in one of two ways. The first is to repeatedly undermine the favored workers capabilities and attempt to sabotage her projects. These efforts to get her fired, however, can result in costly mistakes and loss of time which can then potentially impact customer relations. The second reaction is an attitude of defeat. If employees assume that promotions and perks will always go friends of the boss, they will likely feel less inclined to do their best work to distinguish themselves. Resentment and indifference can lead to reduced productivity as well as employee turnover if workers decide that nothing will ever get better.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 05:11:26 +0000

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