Netflix and Redbox were the monsters that destroyed the - TopicsExpress


Netflix and Redbox were the monsters that destroyed the brick-and-mortar rental outlets like Blockbuster. As much as that displeases me, I look forward to watching similar services eviscerate their next logical target - cable providers. Ive been trying to find a way to get HBO and it would seem that HBO is still years in the past by not offering a standalone service. You must get it through your cable provider with a television package. In this day of high-speed internet and video streaming, HBO might as well be churning butter. These days, most cable channels only survive through their umbilical connection to cable providers - their costs subsidized through the cable package of the average viewer who might regularly visit maybe a dozen out of hundreds of channels. More and more of these people (myself included) have stopped paying for cable television and started paying for streaming services that offer desired programming on-demand. Why should we be paying out the nose for package deals when the programming we want is often available piecemeal for much cheaper? Why should I upgrade my cable package just for one show I want to see on one premium network? Its only a matter of time until these cable cartels go belly-up. Unlike the rental stores, though, I wont be mourning their passing.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 10:07:11 +0000

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