Network Marketing Prospecting: The F.O.R.M. Approach Method In - TopicsExpress


Network Marketing Prospecting: The F.O.R.M. Approach Method In cold market prospecting, in order to get the attention of other people to get interested in seeing your products or opportunity is to position yourself to be a value – giver not another networker who is just after a commission. To do this, you must have two things in mind: a. To find your prospect’s needs b. To position your product or opportunity to fulfill that need What makes cold market prospecting challenging is that, oftentimes, it is hard for most people to strike a conversation to a person we don’t know or have never talk before. One very simple and yet powerful method in opening a conversation with strangers is the so-called F.O.R.M approach method. This method is a very effective network marketing method of approaching prospects and being applied by most successful people in Network Marketing business. F.O.R.M. stands for the following: 1. F – Family 2. O – Occupation 3. R – Recreation 4. M – Message How to do the F.O.R.M prospecting approach method? Make the initial approach with the person by opening up a conversation. Any topics can be used to open up a conversation. Just be creative. You can used the current weather, a big news that is being talked about by people at present, just like a big sports event, an upcoming concert of a very popular singer, a current political news or something you and your prospect have in common. Your purpose at this stage is to get your prospect engage into a conversation with you. Once your prospect had opened up and engage in a conversation with you, you can now use the FORM method. FAMILY You can use initially the “F” which stands for Family. You could ask questions about how many kids he has and how old are they. You could also ask about his wife and what province they may have from. Sometimes asking where they are from gives you more mileage if both of you may have come from the same province or region. Filipinos sometimes are regionalist that they feel more comfortable talking with a province mate or someone who talk same dialect they have. OCCUPATION If you feel you have gone enough conversation about Family, you could shift your conversation about “O” which stands for Occupation. You could open up by asking what he do for a living. When the conversation have reach smooth flow, you can ask if they like what they are currently doing. You can also ask later if they are also looking for additional means of income without interfering to their current job. Just note that it is not yet the time to present your opportunity. Your purpose at this stage is to get as much information and to establish connection with your prospect by making him comfortable with you. RECREATION The third part of F.O.R.M is Recreation. At this stage, you can open up a conversation on what they like to do during their free time. You can also ask about his hobbies, interests and passion. Another interesting topic that you could ask is where they usually hang-out as a family during the summer or holiday breaks. MESSAGE During your conversation with the first three parts of F.O.R.M (Family, Occupation and Recreation) you must be clear that your main purpose at those stage were to find the need of your prospect. During this three parts, you may have now the necessary information what are his needs are. Is he is looking for another job and keeps his options open? Is he looking for another means of additional source of income to augment his current source? Is he looking for an effective weight – loss product that helps him transform his body into a better figure? Having said this, you could now have the valuable information that will help you position your opportunity or product to help him fill his needs. This is where the last part of F.O.R.M. will become valuable where “M” stands for Message. As an example, if he told you during the initial conversation that he is looking for another source of income to cover their current housing loan amortizations, you can inform him that you may have the answer and if he is interested you could set-up an appointment with him after a day or two to show him how this could be possible. The most important thing for you now is to get his contact details to follow him up before the date you have agreed to meet with him. Just bear in mind not to give the prospect too much details that may turn him off at this very moment. Learn to hold your horses. Having his contact information and have set-up an appointment with him is more than enough for now.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 04:29:41 +0000

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