Network with this new opportunity of an unedited voice, work - TopicsExpress


Network with this new opportunity of an unedited voice, work together to identify perceived problems & work from the top down in a prioritised way. The elephant in the room is the biggest actual influence on the environment is sustainable populations & the world refusal to address this in a prioritised way related to timely outcomes & obvious key motives to hold these populations in place. I believe the key to everything of significance is a properly informed public & a voice for everyone. This is all about the media & viewing it in the light of the outcomes that result from its actions. Free speech in the professional media sector should be held to account absolutely in matters that relate to the public interests. That the leaders in legal argument arent able to define a public interests test that applies to the professional media sector is absurd & again, no more than a working example of the weak excuse not held to account. All law relies on the facility to make a ruling on the presentation of facts & evidence & it is obviously false to justify isolating the media from this process, especially in the context of outcomes. As all of us concerned about environmental sustainability well know, its the environment that is moving to the head of the pack of human priorities. Where the environment opens opportunities to address media accountability is that virtually all points of contention regarding it relate to economic influences currently driven by the monumental greed of an equally monumental minority { monumental minority sounds wrong but you get my drift ] who are in effective complete control. This control relates to the corruption that holds environmentally destructive practices in place & the ability & means to change direction in an effective positive way. This seems to be mostly about the ownership of dirty power technologies & the refusal of those who own them to move to anything else that they dont control. All of the worlds significant problems stem from weak excuses by corrupt vested interests & unaccountability regarding exactly that. Aside from the media big picture issue, us as individuals are able to hold our leaders to account via this networking opportunity. Im pinning my hopes on people learning to see past the spin & weak excuses & identifying credible ideas & holding them in place until they are properly addressed or resolved. One tactic by those who seek to hold the corruption in place is to ignore the credible idea while attacking people for other things they say or stand for. My gripe with the Australian Greens centres on their refusal to properly address sustainable populations in Australia & the world as a whole. This issue should be clearly defined in the various contexts in which it applies & effective actions should be identified in a prioritised way directly attached to outcomes. Where this issue most frustrates me with the Greens actions is the illogical rants about refugees & human rights & the direct connection to world sustainable populations , including Australias. I fail to see how any credible voice in Australia can bypass the human rights abuses in West Papua while focussing on an issue that falls behind it in every context. Ironically, the West Papua scandal relates directly to sustainable populations & the world Ponzi Scheme that drives it. This point defines my concerns with the Australian Greens who seem unable to focus in a prioritised way on issues & hold that focus until the public are properly informed. Much of their actions seem to be an illogical list of issues not properly or effectively resolved while they are led from issue to issue in a contrivance to render them ineffective in their core order of business. id like to see a clear mission statement by the Greens that addresses the priorities identified with actual outcomes & uses benchmarks to hold them to account regarding both intent & outcomes. It is obviously the failure in this regard that has seen support for their party diminish & move regarding the demographic who were growing to support them. As with all political parties, the rusted on voters arent the ones who make an effective political movement. The Greens need to understand this point & play hard ball on effective issues, not fringe ones that are more divisive than anything else. I wonder if this didnt play some part in Bob Browns partial retirement ??? Bottom line here is this all gets back to sustainable populations & the elephant in the room that is a world Ponzi population scheme propped up by weak illogical excuses built on spin & void of evidence that connects to the arguments used to hold it in place & motivated by nothing more than exploitation of the contrived vulnerable. I hope this networking opportunity evolves to credible ideas rising to the top, being held there & those ideas less credible staying in the ether & time not wasted on them unless there is some credible reason to address them. Use the evidence in context with prioritised issues & leave the spin where it belongs, especially when those propagating it have a clear unhealthy motive & intent. Lastly, playing the political game of bouncing between corrupt or ineffective political parties will inevitably see more of the same. Continuing down Australias political path with the obvious current negative outcomes & expecting different outcomes is reaching the point of absurdity.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:06:44 +0000

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