Networkers: DO NOT EVER POST A PAY PLAN CHALLENGE ONLINE AND WHEN I EXCEPT IT YOU START TO STUTTER! I except your challenge .... Rules ... We record it so it can be made public! 1. Must be LEGAL. If your company does not have a real product or service and customer driven do NOT waste my time. I dont compare APPLES to ONIONS! I will always stay on the right side of the law. 2. DO your numbers before taking my challenge so your not wasting my time. Your company must pay out over 80% on the front end of all BV with no breakage. It must start with the FIRST sign-up. If you do not understand this just stay quiet as you dont understand compensation plans. 3. Must pay out 70% on all BV on the Back End (Residuals) Must start with First person and not UP TO 70% for the few stacked leaders that qualify for deeper bonuses. Must be level for all members. 4. No front Loading. If your selling 500 packages or more, have to buy a large package to qualify for higher earnings, or you dont know what FRONT LOADING is stay quiet..Trust me. 5. Bonuses must be paid in cash. No financed deals or pay me over time. No car bonuses that pay a monthly amount and you have to stay qualified to get the payments. Cash ONLY on bonuses paid NOW and not spread! 6. Must JOIN my team if I prove you wrong .... If you wanna challenge me take a free tour at winwithtim Go in back office and run you numbers. Inbox me your name, I accept your challenge, and your company so I can compare and we will set up a conf call or webinar. Wonder where this is gonna go but I AM ALL IN!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 14:22:50 +0000

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