Networking; How To Create A Compelling Self Introduction Most - TopicsExpress


Networking; How To Create A Compelling Self Introduction Most entrepreneurs go out of their way to reach out and connect with industry experts and potential clients. Personally, I am in the habit of attending business meetings and social gatherings just for the sake of professional and business networking. As far as we knew, all it takes is a business card and a generous smile to get prospects falling over to do business with me. However and for a long time I observed that my attempts to network wasn’t as effective as I expected. For one I wasn’t actually being remembered. After an entire conversation, folks actually found it difficult recalling my name much less my business offerings. Talk about awkward. :-) It’s very common to hear business experts emphasize on the need for networking, what is not so common are the skills needed to evoke the right kind of emotions while we network or randomly meet people who take interest in what we do. Being the typical optimist, I say go for it! You too can have that out of the world experience, your words can command leadership and inspire followers. You can ooze an aura of confidence, charisma and purpose. AND most of all, you can have prospects so enthralled by you that they never forget your name, your product, and the twitch in your smile! First things first….Introductions! How do you introduce yourself without sounding all drab and gray? There in is your secret.In a breeze, I’ll list 3 ways to create a compelling, powerful and evocative self introduction. 1. Ditch The Title, Settle For Your Job Description. This is critical as most people readily remember what you can do for them. Besides, your job title is stated in your business card already. What isn’t stated is a defined job role description that captures the needs of your prospects. Think of the effect of these two sentences. A. Hey, I’m Tochi, a Creative Communication Strategist B. Hey, I’m Tochi, I love to help brands create magical market perceptions that yield higher sales. My bet is that you find the later option more appealing. 2. Forget Qualifications, Express Your Passions. Rather than mention your degree in Mass communication for instance, you can opt for defending your reason for being in that line of business. Again, check out these two distinct scenarios. A. I majored in Business Communications B. I have always wanted to help people express their ideas and dreams better so I have committed to doing just that 3. Ignore The Testimonials and State The Benefits Of What You Do. Ignore that gnawing temptation to reel of a list clients you have served. Heck, it’s a 3 minute encounter, your audience wouldn’t remember anyway. Instead state the benefits of your products, service or offerings. How does it make the world a better place and how can it serve your audience. A. I’ve worked with organizations like….(Feel free to insert a long list of clients) B. Imagine a world where everyone could effectively communicate their desires, where every dream could find its audience? That’s the world I seek to create, one business at a time. So it may appear like you haven’t made any sale proposals, but it isn’t a sales pitch remember, it’s an opportunity to get people interested enough to want to hear you out again. Your overall goal as an entrepreneur is to make sure that you stand out from the tons of business cards that your prospects receive. It is possible, and to that I make a toast. I’m itching to hear your views and learn from your ideas on How To Create A Compelling Self Introduction.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 16:32:28 +0000

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