Neuer B1-KURS beginnt im September :-) Weitere Informationen in - TopicsExpress


Neuer B1-KURS beginnt im September :-) Weitere Informationen in diesem Posting ! New B1 class starting in September :-) for further information read this post ! You dont know your level ? ...Contact me ! !! Thank you for sharing this post on your own facebook-page :-) Today I would like to share some thoughts with you about my teaching philosophy ! In my experience, spending your precious time on filling in blanks in a grammar book is not remotely helpful for learning a language ! Especially if all the blanks of a given exercise deal with the exact same grammar item, which is repeated again and again. Poorly thought-out blanks (as most blanks are) only make you feel numb and dumb and thus eradicate all curiosity ! Language, however, is inherently about LIFE ! Its all about interaction and how to express our emotions: Its a means of sharing our feelings and thoughts... The thing about blanks is, that in spite of presenting themselves as tricky tasks, they really dont challenge you AT ALL - they just very cunningly pretend to do so by making you feel exhausted, and thus prevent you from LEARNING, for they do not in the slightest challenge your language skills !! Language learning is not about glorifying monotony, as the „fill in the blanks“ exercises (or similar ones) would do; language learning is about enlarging our horizon, about finding MORE ways of expression and reaction rather than narrowing them down ! That is why, as Im sure most of you have experienced, as soon as you snap your book shut in alarm and want to throw it away because you feel exhausted, you will usually not have the faintest idea about what you just did, what it was all about, and, most importantly, you will not be able to actually apply it all in real life with real people ! So how can we forestall this kind of frustration which is bound to come up if youre asked to go about language learning that way ? The good news is...there is another way ! The best way to really succeed at the art of language learning, is by allowing yourself to be provoked into application ...your eyes being at the same level as those of your teacher and fellow classmates, rather than staring at blanks in a grammar book, with your eyes and heart averted from life and other people! ...Note that the grammar book is a very important and precious tool to look up things that you need or that may come in useful, but it is nothing more (or less, for that matter). This is why my teaching is ALL about applying the language IMMEDIATELY, and, at the very SAME time, maximizing your comprehension of the structural aspects of the language - their whole point being about giving you something to hold on to while swimming out into the open! You can take this as my motto: apply the language with CLARITY! :-) As you can see, I set much store by the COMBINED force of creativity and structure ! Neither of them alone will lead you anywhere. Creativity alone may enable you to talk fluently, but not correctly. Structure alone can lead you to great theoretical knowledge about the language, but it will not enhance your diction at all. However, the two of them tied up as a TEAM at all times of the teaching process, will make all the difference in the world for you :-) Trust me – I will make sure you get there ! Hope to see many of you soon in one of my classes - theres a new B1 class coming up in Semptember which will be running from September until Christmas ! Immer Dienstag UND Donnerstag, 9 bis 12 Uhr (6 Stunden pro Woche), September bis Weihnachten! Feel free to contact me for further information and questions! Im Moment gibt es einen B2-Kurs bis Ende Juni – du kannst gerne noch mitmachen ! Theres currently a B2 class running until the end of June, which you can still join at any moment !(B2.2. starting in May). Bis bald, Eure Laura !
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 13:47:51 +0000

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