Never Be Afraid To Speak Your Mind – Talk Straight, Sit Croquet - TopicsExpress


Never Be Afraid To Speak Your Mind – Talk Straight, Sit Croquet Is The Way To Go In Life Jul21 In this past year, I have learned a lot about never being afraid to speak your mind and not to keep anything inside before exploding. I have learned so much about life this past year, I can write about it, but as your fellow person in this world and as a sister to all, I advise people to never be afraid to speak their mind. If you see something not right, speak up, if people are all over you, speak up, and stand up for your rights. People can talk and talk about things and hound you all the time, but they don’t really know what is going on with you and what your feeling mentally and emotionally and sometimes people run their mouth when they have no idea what you go through day in and day out with life. Life is a hard battle and in order to survive these days, you must always be strong and have a back up plan always. Speaking your mind and standing up for yourself is one of the main things about this day in age. Don’t like people jump and walk all over you. Take a stand and go and stand up for what you believe in and your rights as a person. We all have been given the freedom and the voice to speak up. Nothing is wrong with speaking up, nothing is wrong with freedom of expression. Everything in life has its ups and downs, and there will be people who bring you up, and there will be others who bring you down. Life is a roller coaster and sometimes there are loops, curves and other things, but always be honest, talk straight, you can sit croquet, but always talk honestly, forthright because you have to be honest with yourself before you can be honest with others. When you respect yourself, you will need to respect yourself enough to stand up for yourself. You need to stand on your own two feet sometimes to fight battles with words to other people, but not in a hurtful way, but in a decent mature manner. You need to set ground rules, you need to put your foot down where needed. Sometimes people carry on and run off with their head, but sometimes you need to step up to the plate and get going. There will always be people who are by your side, and always know that people always have your back, but when it comes time for yourself when your friends are not around, you need to get out of that nest and be strong. Trust me, your relationships with your friends and others will change and to the better. once your friends see that you have guts and stick up for yourself, that is a good feeling to say hey, I protected myself and I am not naive, I am not gullible, and I did it all on my own. Self-confidence in situations is always a good thing to have and be motivated when it comes time to. Never be another persons pawn and never allow anyone to say check mate to you. Life is like a game of chess, if you don’t stick up for yourself, and if you don’t move along and don’t protect yourself, you are always going to end up in check mate and its hard to revive yourself. Don’t forget how special and how wonderful you truly are. Getting out in the real world, talking to many people and involving yourself and getting into people is something important. You learn peoples personality, you learn the facial features. Are they laughing at you, or with you? You can differentiate so quickly and you can automatically sense that if someone is nice, sincere and pleasant, and sometimes you can sense the person as being rough, disrespectful and everything all in their actions, and words. So all this being said, never let yourself go to a point where people always know where to hit your emotional and mental nerve. There are people who always have a satisfaction of getting to you. Don’t let that happen. you are better than that and you are someone who is very awesome and if they don’t understand that, then it is time to let yourself go and go into a different circle of life. I mean think about it, would you put yourself up in that predicament? Would you put yourself up to the embarrassment all the time? It is not good for you at all. Don’t always let others fight your word battles all the time, you have to do it yourself, and you will see how much more respect your friends and your people you hang out with will have on you. Do yourself this big favour and protect yourself. No matter who your talking to. step up and put your head up high and make your decisions and don’t let others do it for you. That is the best gift you can give to yourself is your self-respect and sticking up for you. Do it. You won’t go wrong with life. I know you can. just try and you will see the difference. All the best!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 04:11:28 +0000

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