Never Say NEVER- The bokoharam Austrailian negotiator hired by - TopicsExpress


Never Say NEVER- The bokoharam Austrailian negotiator hired by federal government and implications of his words: Dont say never about this life because this Life is like a roller coaster. Hmmm, I was in bed meditating about life and how life is something else. A lesson learnt for all tribal, religious bigots and hate mongers have to stop the crapp and hate spreading against other regions. Today, those poli-looters(politicians) are scared because they dont even know who next to be called out as being sponsor of bokoharam since after the federal government hired an austrailian to nogotiate with bokoharam. The Austrailian has already named 2 people as being sponsors of bokoharam - Sheriff(Ex-gov of borno state) and iherijika(Ex-military chief of Nigerian armed forces has been named as sponsors) and it is only wise for our government to immediately start its own investigation if we truly have to be truthful to ourselves as a people. America in the past sponsored Taliban and created other groups in other to achieve its aim. It doesnt matter if a christian, igbo, hausa or anyone is named, the main thing is that an investigation should and must be carried out immediately- it is time we all stop leaving a lie. It was not opposition or Notherners who hired the Austrailian, it was the federal government herself. So Let us focus on one thing and one thing alone- love and peace to fight Boko Haram. Terrorist are together because their strategy is working for them but it may not last forever. Bokoharam know Nigerians have been divided by poli-looters. Divide and rule worked well for our poli-looters and we allow them to constantly use us for their selfish purposes! Say no to to mental slavery! Admin inspire# In this time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act -George orwell. In the end, we as human are the ones that created hate, poverty, oppression and injustices by our own hands and only when we sincerely decide to end such - will a path and solution open for mankind! We must strive to make our country better by making ourselves better- It all starts with us- our morals, characters etc - When we as the Youths truly wake up and decide we want our country to be better- When we truly want change; just then will our politicians in different level respect us for who we are(Youths- The future of Nigeria) In the end; If you truly want to make the world a better place - take a look at yourself and make a change- Be that driving positive force that pushes people to change evil in themselves just by watching your positivity Be wise! Be warned! Be a productive Youth! Nigerian Youths Alliance aims at building a truly strong united Nigerian Youths Network Why not be part of this great making? Be part of this great making as we take the Nigerian stage by suprise! The time is now. The time is here. Motto: The Youths are the leaders of tomorrow -the Nigerian Youths have A say and we demand to be heard! Dont forget to like our Page for more updates. For Enguries email: Nigerianyouthsalliance22@gmail
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 12:08:19 +0000

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