Never Talk To Strangers By Cheriline (CHERI) Cheri Bond I know - TopicsExpress


Never Talk To Strangers By Cheriline (CHERI) Cheri Bond I know this story was told before but somehow, facebook or someone ate it. been getting IMs about it so here it is again, slightly edited, even better than before. I was coming out of Macys Dept Store and enroute to my car parked int he garage. When an innocent and almost nerd looking guy approaches me and starts talking. I felt so ry for him. He seemed so innocent. Was talking about the weather and such. I told him that I missed summer. Cooler weather is here and fall is on the way. He agreed but seemed in lala land I asked him if there was something I could help him with. He told me that he was a visiter from nearby Ohio, was looking for the local courthouse and asked me if I could direct him. I did but he still seemed confused. He then asked me if I had a map. I said, heck no, nobody uses maps these days. That is old school. I use my gps for everything. He asks me if I can show him my gps and I say sure wbut what good will that do, you cant take it with you. He pulls out a pad of paper and a pen and says he only wants to write down the directions and asks if that is ok. He seemed harmless enough so I said sure. I open my car, open the trunk, lay down my groceries And go back into the car and insert the key, I then plug in the Grand Rapids Courthouse. The address and directions comes up with a complete itinerary. Unfortunately, I left my guard down and took my eyes off this nerd figuring he was harmless when all of a sudden I get a wiff of a medicinal smell and before I know what is happening a rag is placed over my nose and mouth and he is holding on tightly. Blast it! Chlrooform. This SOB is up to no good. I struggle as best as I can. I elbow him. Reach up into his eyes put my finger under his nose all the things that have always worked for me in the past. But this time no luck and the choro is sapping the life out of me. While trying to attack his face I noticed his skin and face seemed inordinately hard. Lately I would find out he was wearing a mask which is why he looked so nerdish and why the finger under the nose which always works had no affect on this guy. I pushed down hard with my feet and was able to force myself up to a standing positon. Then I nailed him with a reverse mule kick. This always works. But damn, I felt a pain in my heel. The SOB had a metal cup in his pants covering his privates. He thought of everything or so it seemed. I was fading rapidly. I continued fighting as best I could but I could feel the strength and the very life coming from me. I looked around hoping someone would be around. But alas, no one was. I was all alone with this clown and now as if his attack on me wasnt bad enough be began laughing in a sinister tone. He know he had me. I was his captive or soon would be. And there was nothing I could do about it. I do carry mace and reached inside my pocket. Unfortunately, I was so drained that it was in slow motion and so easy for him to take away from me. I tried to scream for help ----my words were muted by his strong handgag on top of the rag and chloro and my voice was weak as I was from the chloro. I began to really worry. But then another woman appeared and attacked the man loosening his hold on me. I could look up and see both of them in a blurr not making out their faces. It was like waking up out of a deep sleep. I couldnt move. The chloro had worked too well. Next I heard the woman grunt and also heard the sound of knickles hitting flesh. Apparently this man punched the woman knocking her out cold. He then came back to me as I was trying desperately to shake off t he effects of the chloro and reapplied the chloro. Before I new what had happened, I was unconscious Of course what I wasnt aware of was that while I was knocked out, he threw me in the backseat of his car, tied and gagged me. Tying me hands and foot and threw a blanket over me. We are apparently riding for awhile. I begin to wake up. I hear him stop. We are in town. I hear voices and cars passing. I try to work the cover off and slide up to to the window. I wiggle around. Still groggy. I scream as heard and loud as I can but I am effectively muted. I can barely hear my own sounds of mmfffffff. Almost like a kittens mmeew. I felt so helpless and was. I hear him s tart the car and he tells me to settle and relax and not to try anything. We ride for a short while, I can feel him pull off the road. My body turns as the car does and when he stops, I slide slightly off the backseat. THE BACK DOOR OPENS. I see him. Its him again with a weird and sinister smile and he is holding a rag. As it gets close I can smell the undeniable odor of chloro. He slowly reaches towards me playing with me and smiling enjoying this covering my nose and already gagged mouth. He pressed down hard and once again I am in dream land. Before I am out he tells me that I am too restless and need some anesthesia. This SOB! Next thing I know we are riding down a dirt road. I have no idea where. It appears as though we are alone. I work the blanket off again and I can see it is dark. We had to be driving for hours. When he grabbed me it was daylight. The car stops. I hear the front door open and there he is again with that blasted rag and once again he slowly reaches towards me laughing and smiling like a lunatic. The rag is pressed over my face, once again, more chloro and once again I am knocked out unable to fight back with my hands and feet tired and already so drowsy from the prior chloro attacks. As I am dreaming, I have some nice and scary dreams. Some are of Harry and others with whom I have engaged in bondage with. And others were somewhat consentual kidnappings that happened in college. But they were games. Then I also had dreams that I really feared. Of really being kidnapped by some pyscho who could do God knows what to me. While I was asleep my subconscious was going full blast, working and had me wondering what my future would hold. What would this lunatic do to me?
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 22:52:27 +0000

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