Never be afraid of the dark nights of the soul, nor of the storms - TopicsExpress


Never be afraid of the dark nights of the soul, nor of the storms in life. Storms clear the air, and rain washes all clean. The dark nights of the soul descend upon all human beings at some stage in life, and are huge wake up calls, to start the inner clearing and cleansing work that needs to be done. Instead of looking at what others are doing, look inside yourself - for that inner house cleaning will bring you to the point where you have to start examining what serves your highest good, and what does not. It may be that the old way of life does not serve your highest soul purpose anymore. The longer you cling to that old life, the unhappier you become. Sometimes it takes a huge leap of faith to finally understand that you are the Master and Captain of your own destiny within your soul contract. Only you can put your life back on track with the assistance of the Divine, by taking the necessary steps. Other people cannot do that for you. Pills cannot fix that either. They might dim the pain and make you even more numb inside, but they cannot fix your problems or you. All infinity lies there deep inside of you and all the answers, and the more you delve into your pain, the more you will find hidden treasures there for you to rediscover, for within the core of all pain, lies a hidden diamond. The diamond of immense gifts of life, that you have yet not found. So much are emotional charges, negative emotions we store up inside of ourselves, which need to be released and cleared away, in order for us to brighten up and to find new meaning in life. So, embrace those dark nights of the soul as huge wake up calls, and then get to work on the INSIDE of yourself and take ACTION steps towards freeing yourself of the old, and embracing the new. When the light breaks through those dark clouds our inner seeing, sensing, and knowing, has grown with leaps and bounds and we emerge all the stronger, greater and more in higher alignment with our true soul self. Such is the blessing of the dark nights of the soul! Today I thank God for those dark nights of the soul, for they finally made me realize that the old way of life was no longer serving my own highest soul growth and good and that I had to take the necessary action steps in order to reconnect with my own soul and to be free to rediscover the truth, meaning and purpose of my soul, and to start LIVING that. (sk)
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 09:29:28 +0000

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