Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight - TopicsExpress


Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye. Helen Keller Apart from the obvious meaning of this quote which is to be proud of who you are and not be afraid to show the world your true self there is actually a more basic reason for us to hold our heads up and no less important than being self-confident. When we look down, and many of us walk around this way, we are actually accessing that inner voice which is all too often critical and also our emotions. So we walk around lost in our own small world concentrating on our own issues, worries or concerns with that little voice nagging away at us and that in turn can make us feel very down. It also disconnects us from the people and the environment within which we live. Simply by lifting up our heads and noticing everything around us we also lift up our emotions too. We can then start to truly connect with the world around us and the people living close to us in it. By holding our heads up we can see more clearly and expand our thought process which can then act as a catalyst to motivate us. Our imaginations are also stimulated by the world that surrounds us. We need to be able to see everything around us to know what we like and what we want to change and to have the energy required to be able to take action to change it. Looking up lifts our spirits and improves our mood. It is such an easy and quick way to pick ourselves up , so why not try it today and just notice how much better and happier it can make you feel. Have a great day, Karen x
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 12:46:20 +0000

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