Never forget to nourish your independence, to keep some time to - TopicsExpress


Never forget to nourish your independence, to keep some time to yourself.. To create, to rest, to reflect, to do what you want when you want to.. Just to be your own person. Its hard to take that time but if your dont long for your loved ones, you will take them for granted. You must keep the longing alive. Not just romantic love.. But your love for your children too.. You must miss them every so often. You must! It tears my heart out of my chest every single time my son leaves, brings me so close to tears, but thank GOD that we can have 3 high quality days together each week, and that we can miss each other and have our independent lives too. I think this is the blueprint for success in each relationship.. Even when you live together with your Beloveds, you must break your own heart and responsibility take time apart, you MUST, or else you destroy the love. Love doesnt work without magnetism.. Longing.. Desire! By the next time I pick up my son, my soul is so ecstatic and body head to toes excited to see his shining face!! Lighting my sky, exploding my heart wide open. He is a luminary, radiant angelic being!! He deserves my freshness. My full patience. All of my heart and attention! I cannot ever be the mom or lover that will make sarcastic remarks of disdain about the burden of her loved ones. That savors of passive aggressive burnout and venom and I will never be that person. As a young woman I made those mistakes and I cannot ever be that way again. It saddens me to see others so bitter. When did love grow so cynical and cruel? When did that become cool or okay? Treat your friends like gold and lover like dirt?? Treat your precious kids like chores?! I STRIVE with all my being to be kind and generous with my energy, even when I am ill and have little to share. Never cheapen love. If you have to take a weekend away alone every couple months, DO IT, do not let yourself be the murderer of love and kindness. Better to suffer the healthy heartbreak of longing, the natural gentle agony of missing the one your soul feels as one with, as opposed to the severe heavy misery or looking back years later knowing that you killed something beautiful. Love never dies a natural death.. Anais Nin
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 00:15:03 +0000

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