Never give up on your dreams!! People will doubt you, make fun of - TopicsExpress


Never give up on your dreams!! People will doubt you, make fun of you, create obstacles in your path, the better you get the more these people will try to stop you, they will try to make you feel weak but telling you all the negativity they can, they will try to make you believe that you are not as good as you know you are and when this happens it can be very hard to keep going and may start doubting yourself.. I had been made fun of my entire childhood by friends and neighbors as I was a dirty boy that walks around the streets with dozens of dogs following me, sometimes goats and sometimes a chicken or cat under my arms, they ALMOST made me believe I couldnt be involed with dogs the way I wanted a young teenager I was told by many that it was time to date and have a girlfriend ( to make matters worst, I was gay and no one knew, so besides everything else I had to deal with the fact that I was different in a community that was not use to that kind of diversity. I was told that I should leave dogs and that it was ridiculous that a boy my age would spend all my time with dogs and other animal my family didnt believe in me, no one did but they give in and let me grow up on farm where I was able to learn from nature and live with dogs that were feral and lived in packs on this farm in the middle of nowhere, where we had no internet and no cellphones, we had no hospital or school within less than 1 hour and half away. But I had everything I needed, I had the dogs, I had my grandparents that I grew up with and all the farm animals. life was not easy, getting to school and back was hard work as we had to walk milles uphill in a train in the woods to get to where the bus could access, and then drive 1 hour and a half each way, then downhill walking to get home, not to mention when it rained.yah when it rained we had to walk 6 hours in the mud and rain all wet to get home all in the dark because where we lived, was all dirt road, and there was only a few houses here and there, all the other kids had no choice but to live there, but for me it was a choice, I wanted to be there so I could live with the animals the way I did. and I am very thankful that I did. Long story short I lived there until I was 18 and then my family finally convinced me that I should come here to the US where I was born to visit and learn English, they tried for many years and I finally gave in and decided to come and try it for a few months.. it has been 5 years that I am here, after acquiring my first dog and training her people immediately started asking for my help in training their dogs, I started to have more and more clients, at age 19 and barely speaking any English I was training many dogs a day and soon after that I had rented my own apartment and was able to have my breed of choice German Shepherds. I then started training them as a pack and realized peopled were amazed with the way I communicate with my dogs, I decided to create a facebook page about 3 years ago and right the way I had 1000s of followers and supporters, I kept sharing my work and updates with my pack and people enjoyed following that, then I ran into other breeders and trainers who questioned me, again doubt me and tried to find fault in me and my work, some harassed me and bad mouthed me, but soon enough I realized that were a lot more people who supported me and loved me than those that hated me. I looked up other trainers(successful ones) and found out they had the same issue. that made me feel confident again. Now my facebook has over 57,000 fans and growing every day, I have a couple of videos that went Viral, I have clients from all over the country that I travel to visit and train their dogs, I have clients from all over that fly to where I am to get my help. me and my dogs are now known worldwide, and this is just the beginning, I am 23 years old, I now have 15 dogs of my own, and tourists from all over that come to my town have already heard or seen me online or heard of me from friends, they cant mistake me because that arent that many people that walk 10-12 German Shepherds in public at once :) I learned how to deal with negativity which is to ignore them, they have no impact in my life or business, because I am good at what I do people are happy and keep coming back and referring and that is all that matters. If you have a dream and people tell you cant do that, stay away from those people, keep trying because that is the only way you will know if you can do it or not. The people saying you cant do it are the one that cant do it. Very rarely will a successful person tell you that you cant be successful its all the jealous people that will tell you that, so stay strong and believe in yourself.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 14:17:34 +0000

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