Never knew such a great poetess you are:) I want to be in the - TopicsExpress


Never knew such a great poetess you are:) I want to be in the moments with you Kiss your breath Taste your lips Slowly .. Deliberately .. Caress my silky fingers on your soft face Watch as your eyes goes into a deep trance I want to be in the moments with you Feel your heart skip a beat as your body touches mine Gently move my fingers about your face Feel the surprising softness of your masculine beard that define your face I want to be in the moments with you Kissing your lips ever so softly Feel the slightest contraction of your lips Feel the inner passion that arise with each kiss I want to be in the moments with you Feeling the passion that arise in me as our lips met Feeling the warmth of my heart as it heat up Feeling the urge for our hearts to unite and merged into one I want to be in the moments with you Watches.. as time disappear into non existence while we embrace Watches.. As space and matters absorbed into infinity All that remains but two souls fluctuating , vibrating in ecstasy ... Intimacy ..
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 02:32:00 +0000

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