Never question that there is a God, or a devil!..This video may or - TopicsExpress


Never question that there is a God, or a devil!..This video may or may not be real. But even if its fake, Still proves my point. Think about it. Choose Today!... Whom you shall serve!.. Heaven or Hell? people!!! Wake up and look around you,... It is written about such a time as this!. Time is ticking!... The Lord will return soon. And He will take His church up! Jesus is the only mediator in which His bloodshed for us, is acceptable to the Father in heaven!... That is the very key that unlocks the door that has a Welcome sign in front of it!... And only those that are covered with that same blood, ( you have to invite Him to come into your heart, and believe it... Than walk in His word,... Youll find them in His book,... Its called The bible!... You can find it... Anywhere!)... May enter into Heaven. If your not ready on that day He returns,...and you havent accepted Christ as your Lord and Saviour on the day you die, are not going to heaven... And there is only one other place that God allows you to go.. its called Hell!, and He created for Satan Himself!,and His demons. God never intended for any man or woman to Go there!....He said choose today whom you shall serve!... TODAY PEOPLE!..? If your still alive!... You still have this opportunity!!!... Choose wisely. Heaven or Hell?.. Your Father is either God, who gave us His Son to die on a cross for your sin, and His bloodshed is the atonement for it, which unlocks the door to heaven,.... Or it is your Father The devil.... Whos place in Hell is already provided! ... And youll have all eternity to burn in Hell to think about your choice youve made at this moment. God doesnt send people to Hell. God gives you a choice!... Make it Now!!!... Youll get no other choices
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 17:01:08 +0000

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