Never trust a person who chooses a table over a booth. I - TopicsExpress


Never trust a person who chooses a table over a booth. I spilled my Pumpkin Spice Latte, and now a bunch of ants are making brunch plans and doing yoga. There is a huge difference between a hot girl and a girl wearing lesser clothes. I am sooo glad I was young, wild & crazy before there were cell phones & evidence. I don’t care how many weights you can lift. You’ll never be Badass as the 64yo lady that swam 110miles from Cuba to FL, pussies. Yo fellas how did that “wow” comment you left on that girls Facebook picture play out? There may be two sides to every story, but you’re still a douche in both of them. Getting realllll tired of Luke Bryans voice and his two first names. I never finish anyth A jealous woman does better research than the FBI. Old People + Technology = Funny Video game truths: anyone with a lower score than me is a loser and anyone with a higher score is a loser with no life! People who live in glass houses probably have outrageous homeowners insurance. It’s a 4 way stop and the rules are simple, if you’re there first, you go first, stop waving at each other!! You do realize everyone can see your status right? Don’t tell my pillow I said this, but I don’t think he’ll ever fulfill his dreams of becoming a hairstylist. Lint is laundry’s poop. Beer needs to become accepted currency. I wonder how we know to eat eggs,did someone say”see that chicken over there, Im goin eat the 1st thing that comes outta its butt” Bored of being bored because being bored is boring.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 16:05:03 +0000

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