Nevers Mumba continues attacking HH while hiding behind Bowman - TopicsExpress


Nevers Mumba continues attacking HH while hiding behind Bowman Lusambo Press statement for immediate release MORALITY IN ZAMBIAN POLITICS Since taking over the MMD presidency, Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba has been appealing to his colleagues in the political field to adopt politics of morality as a way of cleansing politics off its bad image. It is however frustrating that Dr Mumbas efforts to usher in politics of morality are being hampered by continuous bad politics by political players such as the UPND. We have information that the UPND has launched a vigorous campaign to buy off former MMD members specifically targeting former District Commissioners especially on the Copperbelt. We know that the UPND are using two disgruntled vagabonds former MMD officials namely former Copperbelt Chairman Joseph Chilambwe and former District Commissioner for Mufulira Mr Mulwa. We know that the UPND is funding this recruitment process by bribing MMD members with huge amounts of money in an attempt to weaken the MMD especially on the Copperbelt. The UPND should know that politics is not about using money to gain popularity. Our simple advice to the UPND is to stop forcing defections by bribing our members. They should instead sell their manifesto and exhibit good leadership qualities and Zambians will follow them. Zambians will only follow a political party that represents their aspirations. We have observed with disdain that Mr Hakainde Hichilemas style of politics has degenerated to an extent that it is now dominated by deceit and tribalism. We also wish to remind Mr Hichilema tat Zambians have made their choice already. Zambians know that going back to the MMD is the only alternative. The devil you know is far much better than the angel you dont know. MMD is a tasted leadership with proven success record. We urge the members of the MMD to ignore attempts by the UPND to assault the MMD, a party that brought so much to this country. Mr Hichilema is too young to sweet talk the people of Zambia into forgetting what the MMD stands for. The MMD under the able leadership of Dr Mumba is party of hope. A party focused on delivering social and economic progress as we return to power in 2016. Zambians have already settled for Dr Mumba as the next alternative for Zambia. Dr Mumba has reignited peoples lost interest in Zambian politics and he has been to all parts of Zambia as he works to mobilise the party. Our message to all Zambians is to ignore the UPND. This is a trial grouping aiming to splitting this country on tribal basis. Our call is to all Zambians to reject the machinations of the UPND and its desperate leader Mr. Hichilema. Our members on the Copperbelt should ignore and dismiss these manevoures by Mr Hichilema to grow his party by stealing from others. To the Lamba speaking people, my message to you all is that let us continue to uphold the values of One Zambia One Nation. We should reject his tribal politics and remains as one. Every Zambian knows that the Lambaland is a good place for all Zambians. As Lanbas, we are known to be so welcoming and hospitable people. We have shared resources of our beautiful land with many other tribes in Zambia and we should continue demonstrating that we can unify the nation beyond political lines. With over 24 years of political experience, the MMD is a well-grounded political organisations and we invite the UPND and Mr Hichilema to come for orientations of political party development as it is evidently clear that he lacks the basic understanding of politics in Africa. Issued by Bowman Lusambo- Die Hard National Youth Coordinator 24/07/14
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:47:14 +0000

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