Nevertheless the experiences of the past and of many persons at - TopicsExpress


Nevertheless the experiences of the past and of many persons at the present time, demonstrate the fact that this letting go of the strength of the ego, and being passive to the inflow of Universal Life have been destructive to the individuality. Notable among such instances is the spiritualistic medium who becomes passive and receptive to whatever may flow in. As a matter of fact, there flows into such a person just what he or she believes. And as these people believe in the existence of spirits p. 15 [paragraph continues] —disincarnate souls—therefore individualities or thought-forms, dark and malicious characteristics of their own lower natures, flow in and possess them and, as Christ said, the last state of these people is worse than the first. Again, we have all seen the religious devotee who, without a knowledge of God or of universal law, has relinquished the ego to a certain extent and, opening himself to the Universal Mind, has become fanatical even to the loss of his individuality—insane. The reasoning intelligence has taken such examples as a warning against opening the selfhood to the Universal Mind. Just here, however, we meet a law of mind so well known as to have escaped critical inquiry, which is explained in what follows:
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 19:37:57 +0000

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