New Article coming up soon for Greanville Post about Vineyard of - TopicsExpress


New Article coming up soon for Greanville Post about Vineyard of the Saker and Socialism - hope they like it, stay tuned. Heres a sneak-peak: It is very difficult to separate capitalism from modernity, perhaps impossible. Capitalism has been the motor force of modernity. And yet critiques of modernity are considered by the western Left to be reactionary, as are critiques of socialism. Implicit in this, and this really gets at the kernel of it, is the belief that modernity is evolving towards socialism. Rather, we are to embrace modernity but reject capitalism, but its capitalism thats going to lead to socialism, and so we must embrace modernity. As capitalism has led to late capitalism instead of socialism, modernity has led to liberal post-modernity, and here the Anglo capitalist empire has really outdone itself, and like the two times before in the 20th century, seems to have no recourse out of its economic malaise and stagnation than to provoke a total war of apocalyptic proportions. This is aimed at setting back the hands of time about a hundred years - in terms of economic development - by destroying the means of production and distribution, change the balance of power, and of course making war upon and between the holders of US debt, thereby relieving the US of its need to repay. The radiation wont be good either. But this is what they might just have in mind. Understandably, many conservatives, as human beings, arent going to go along on this ride. The civil war in Ukraine has probably been the largest focal point of this, where we see western conservative resistance to the excesses of late capitalism and post-modernity. Russia Today, or RT, Russias main English language 24 hour news channel, features, among others, a show by the host Peter Lavelle. The former Colgate-Palmolive market researcher, previously based in Warsaw, Poland, who hosts the CrossTalk show is presented, and presents himself, as a relatively pro-business conservative. His show has a decidedly pro-Russian slant, but is also friendly to socialist Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran, and speaks positively about China. This interestingly mirrors the image of Russian Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev, and is also one of the rorschach blot identities of President Vladimir Putin. The Russians have correctly understood the American political landscape, and are targeting with a single effort both the non-interventionist and cultural conservatives, as well as the anti-imperialist left, who have predictably become a little tired of the stars of the permanently scandal embroiled and questionably funded Pacifica Network (i.e. CIAs Voice of America): the hoarse voiced Amy Goodman and the congenitally pro-war Sonali Kolhatkar. What happens over time, and a short time more so than a long time, is that when several audiences are targeted, actually a new pole is created. These poles tend to meld, and not in an even way, a clear way, or a predictable way.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 03:59:29 +0000

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