New Caringbridge post on Leah: Tuesday evening Leahs temp is - TopicsExpress


New Caringbridge post on Leah: Tuesday evening Leahs temp is coming slowly down on its own with no Tylenol help all day. Once again, she is endearing herself into the hearts of her nurses. We moved out of ICU on Sunday, and yet those nurses gravitate over onto the medical floor to see how Leahs doing. Bernice came in and told me Leah is who she thinks of as she comes into work, gets into ICU, and another nurse gives her a Leah update, automatically without a prompt. So she comes over to check up on Leah herself. Mary Ann set me up for a real shower tonight. It was awesome not having to clean up in the hospital public bathroom. Did you know you can even get your feet into a public bathroom sink? I feel amazing! So thankful tonight for all the little things that when you squeeze them all together make for a huge wonderful something. Smiling looking at Leah so peaceful and relaxed. The most stressful part of her day was getting her teeth and tongue brushed. She hates oral care. Yawning a lot today and more left arm movement. Thinking shes recovering from the latest medical bout and will be showing us even more amazing improvements. We will wait for her to show us. Thank you tonight to friend, Julie, who reminded me-Gods got this! He soooo does. And thank you to sister, Julie, for the book that is blessing me tonight. So many of you have touched our lives through this challenging experience in unique ways. Praying each one of you continue to seek Gods direction asking that all we do and say would bring glory and honor to Him!
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 02:50:17 +0000

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