New Day - July 12, 2013: Annoying people have a purpose - TopicsExpress


New Day - July 12, 2013: Annoying people have a purpose too. Electric belt sanders are one of the greatest tools ever invented to get rid of those unwanted layers on a wood surface. I love watching the layers peel away and seeing the beautiful grain of the wood below. It is never pretty while the dust is flying and the sound is horrible on your ears, but the finished product is well worth the effort, because once completed and finished, the piece will be observed and used for years. People are like that, too! I know you ask, “Am I the sander or the wood?” The answer is both. There are people in everyone’s life who are like sandpaper. When they walk in the room, or speak alone or in a group, they just rub you the wrong way. It is all you can do to keep your composure, and layers of your patience and forbearing are quickly sanded away, and your last nerve is exposed. Those people are placed in our lives to sand away the facade of our rough exterior to allow the beauty that lies within to be exposed. The process is not comfortable, but the outcome is beautiful and long lasting. Before you get the bighead, remember no matter how wonderful you are, you are sandpaper to some people. Sandpaper used sparingly and appropriately can produce positive results. However, over-sanding causes permanent damage and the piece sanded can never reach its full potential as intended. We need to sand on our children, friends, employees, and spouses only when it is appropriate and when it is done in love, to help them be all they are intended to be. Proper stand does not apply too much pressure for too long. This reminds me of a piece of sandpaper in my life who says regularly, “That’s just the way I am. I speak the truth.” What I hear is the squealing of the sander, and I know they don’t have the skill to communicate, nor the love needed to truly work as one of God’s chosen pieces. God does not use tools to hurt the ones He loves. [Eph. 2:10 (NASB)] – “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” Have a blessed day.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 12:43:06 +0000

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