New Deadline: August 31, 2014... Grand Prize: Canon PowerShot - TopicsExpress


New Deadline: August 31, 2014... Grand Prize: Canon PowerShot SX-50 Best Bird Photo Contest 2014 “THREATENED PHILIPPINE ENDEMIC BIRDS” In Celebration of WBPP’s 2nd Anniversary Contest Guidelines 1. Entries will be limited to photos of Philippine Endemic Birds that are either Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable or Near Threatened. The Checklist of Birds of the Philippines 2013 by the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines (WBCP) will be the reference for the list of birds that are qualified under this competition. 2. Competition is open to all members of the WBPP Group Page only. WBPP Online Members can submit a maximum of three (3) entries only. WBPP Org Members may submit up to maximum of five (5) entries. 3. The photo entry must be the original work of the participant and must be Natural History Photographs, digital art or composite images are not allowed. Images of nesting birds are also not allowed. No watermark must be placed in the entries. 4. Entries should be 16.5 x 16.5 inches (4950 x 4950 pixels) in dimension, 300 dpi, and saved to jpeg via Photoshop Quality #8. Each entry must have a title, caption, and shooting details. Candidate Finalists will be required to submit RAW files, brief profile of photographer, and a non-technical write-up of the species which could either or both be the photographer’s observation about the bird or the manner the photograph was created. 5. File names of entries must be named in the following manner: status_ _species_photographer_entry.jpg. Example: criticallyendangered_philippineeagle_alainpascua_1.jpg. Entries must be emailed at from July 10 to August 10, 2014. 6. Post Processing Guideline: This is WBPP’s Ethics in Presenting Natural History Photographs - Any manipulation to the original image is limited to adjustments in brightness and contrast, color saturation, sharpness, minor cloning, cropping to improve composition and de-noising, no alteration to the content of the original image is allowed by introduction of elements not present in the original scene. 7. Entries will be judged based on their technical and aesthetic qualities. Winning images will be chosen based on sharpness of focus, angle of capture, exposure and rendering of colors, creative composition, use of foreground and quality of background, difficulty or rareness of species, and emotional impact to the viewer. 8. For the First Round of Judging, WBPP Judges will choose three to five (3-5) Candidate Finalists per species based on the defined criteria. 9. For the Second Round of Judging, a Board of Judges composed of five to eleven (5-11) individuals from WBPP and its partners and sponsors will be choosing one (1) Finalists per species. 10. For the Third Round of Judging, the Board of Judges will choose ten to twelve (10-12) Winners to be featured as monthly main photos for 2015 Calendar of the Biodiversity Management Bureau of DENR. Finalists per species may still be included as minor photos in the calendar, planner or notebooks to be produced for 2015. 11. For the Fourth and Final Round of Judging, the Board of Judges will choose one (1) Grand Champion and two (2) Runner-ups from among the Winners. 12. Winning photos to be featured in the DENR-BMB 2015 Calendar tentatively titled “Avian Treasures of the Philippines” will include the name of the photographer and the write-up about the bird/photograph. Winners will be provided with a number of copies of the 2015 calendar. 13. Finalists will be announced on or before August 20, 2014. Winners will be announced during the “Gathering of the Birdmen” on September 6, 2014 at Bangkong Kahoy Valley Resort in Dolores, Quezon. 14. “Most Popular Photo by the Public” will be awarded to the Finalist having the most number of “likes” from August 20 to 30, 2014 at WBPP Group Page. “Most Popular Photo by Peers” will be awarded to the Finalist having the most number of “votes” during the “Gathering of the Birdmen” on September 5-6, 2014. 15. Aside from inclusion in the 2015 Calendar of DENR-BMB, other prizes of winners will be announced later. 16. Grand Prize winner is Canon PowerShot SX-50 from Canon Marketing Philippines, Inc. (CMPI) Qualified Birds ENGLISH NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME CONS. STATUS Apo Myna Basilornis mirandus NT Apo Sunbird Aethopyga boltoni NT Ashy Thrush Geokichla cinerea VU Ashy-breasted Flycatcher Muscicapa randi VU Azure-breasted Pitta Pitta steerii VU Bicol Ground Warbler Robsonius sorsogonensis VU Black Shama Copsychus cebuensis EN Black-belted Flowerpecker Dicaeum haematostictum VU Black-bibbed Cuckooshrike Coracina mindanensis VU Black-hooded Coucal Centropus steerii CR Blue Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone cyanescens NT Blue-capped Wood Kingfisher Actenoides hombroni VU Blue-headed Racket-tail Prioniturus platenae VU Blue-naped Parrot Tanygnathus lucionensis NT Blue-winged Racket-tail Prioniturus verticalis CR Brown-banded Rail Lewinia mirificus DD Calayan Rail Gallirallus calayanensis VU Cebu Flowerpecker Dicaeum quadricolor CR Celestial Monarch Hypothymis coelestis VU Cordillera Ground Warbler Robsonius rabori VU Cream-bellied Fruit Dove Ptilinopus merrilli NT Falcated Wren-Babbler Ptilocichla falcata VU Flame-breasted Fruit Dove Ptilinopus marchei VU Flame-crowned Flowerpecker Dicaeum anthonyi NT Flame-templed Babbler Dasycrotapha speciosa EN Furtive Flycatcher Ficedula disposita NT Giant Scops Owl Otus gurneyi VU Golden-crowned Babbler Sterrhoptilus dennistouni NT Green Racket-tail Prioniturus luconensis VU Green-faced Parrotfinch Erythrura viridifacies VU Grey Imperial Pigeon Ducula pickeringii VU Grey-hooded Sunbird Aethopyga primigenia NT Isabela Oriole Oriolus isabellae CR Linas Sunbird Aethopyga linaraborae NT Little Slaty Flycatcher Ficedula basilanica VU Luzon Bleeding-heart Gallicolumba luzonica NT Luzon Scops Owl Otus longicornis NT Luzon Striped Babbler Zosterornis striatus NT Luzon Water Redstart Rhyacornis bicolor VU Mantanani Scops Owl Otus mantananensis NT McGregors Cuckooshrike Coracina mcgregori NT Melodious Babbler Malacopteron palawanense NT Mindanao Bleeding-heart Gallicolumba crinigera VU Mindanao Brown Dove Phapitreron brunneiceps VU Mindanao Lorikeet Trichoglossus johnstoniae NT Mindanao Miniature Babbler Micromacronus sordidus DD Mindanao Pygmy Babbler Dasycrotapha plateni NT Mindanao Racket-tail Prioniturus waterstradti NT Mindanao Scops Owl Otus mirus NT Mindoro Bleeding-heart Gallicolumba platenae CR Mindoro Hornbill Penelopides mindorensis EN Mindoro Imperial Pigeon Ducula mindorensis EN Mindoro Scops Owl Otus mindorensis NT Montane Racket-tail Prioniturus montanus NT Mountain Shrike Lanius validirostris NT Negros Bleeding-heart Gallicolumba keayi CR Negros Fruit Dove Ptilinopus arcanus CR Negros Striped Babbler Zosterornis nigrorum EN Palawan Blue Flycatcher Cyornis lemprieri NT Palawan Flycatcher Ficedula platenae VU Palawan Hornbill Anthracoceros marchei VU Palawan Peacock-Pheasant Polyplectron napoleonis VU Palawan Scops Owl Otus fuliginosus NT Palawan Striped Babbler Zosterornis hypogrammicus NT Palawan Tit Periparus amabilis NT Panay Striped Babbler Zosterornis latistriatus NT Philippine Duck Anas luzonica VU Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher Ceyx melanurus VU Philippine Eagle Pithecophaga jefferyi CR Philippine Eagle-Owl Bubo philippensis VU Philippine Fairy-bluebird Irena cyanogastra NT Philippine Hawk-Eagle Nisaetus philippensis VU Philippine Leafbird Chloropsis flavipennis VU Philippine Spine-tailed Swift Mearnsia picina NT Pink-bellied Imperial Pigeon Ducula poliocephala NT Red-eared Parrotfinch Erythrura coloria NT Red-vented Cockatoo Cacatua haematuropygia CR Rufous Coucal Centropus unirufus NT Rufous Hornbill Buceros hydrocorax NT Rufous-lored Kingfisher Todiramphus winchelli VU Scarlet-collared Flowerpecker Dicaeum retrocinctum VU Short-crested Monarch Hypothymis helenae NT Silvery Kingfisher Ceyx argentatus VU Slaty-backed Jungle Flycatcher Rhinomyias goodfellowi NT Spotted Imperial Pigeon Ducula carola VU Streak-breasted Bulbul Hypsipetes siquijorensis EN Sulu Bleeding-heart Gallicolumba menagei CR Sulu Hornbill Anthracoceros montani CR Sulu Pygmy Woodpecker Dendrocopos ramsayi VU Tablas Drongo Dicrurus menagei EN Tawitawi Brown Dove Phapitreron cinereiceps EN Visayan Broadbill Sarcophanops samarensis Visayan Hornbill Penelopides panini EN Visayan Minature Babbler Micromacronus leytensis DD Visayan Pygmy Babbler Dasycrotapha pygmaea NT Waldens Hornbill Aceros waldeni CR Wattled Broadbill Sarcophanops steerii VU Whiskered Flowerpecker Dicaeum proprium NT Whiskered Pitta Erythropitta kochi VU White-browed Jungle Flycatcher Rhinomyias insignis VU White-fronted Tit Parus semilarvatus NT White-throated Jungle Flycatcher Rhinomyias albigularis EN White-winged Cuckooshrike Coracina ostenta VU Whiteheads Swiftlet Aerodramus whiteheadi DD Worcesters Buttonquail Turnix worcesteri DD Writhed Hornbilll Aceros leucocephalus NT Yellow-breasted Tailorbird Orthotomus samarensis NT Zamboanga Bulbul Hypsipetes rufigularis NT Download Contest Rules and Mechanics and List of Qualified Birds at https://facebook/groups/wbpp.admin/files/.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 01:08:02 +0000

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