New Devo to start: Devo #3 for September 19 – 25, 2013 The - TopicsExpress


New Devo to start: Devo #3 for September 19 – 25, 2013 The Triune God Deuteronomy 6:4; Genesis 1:26; Isaiah 61:1-2 The trinity is a very difficult topic to understand. Christians are often accused of having three different Gods. That simply is not true. There is three “persons” in one God. Let’s take a look… A. Definitions 1. Unity of God-“There is but one essence in the Godhead, and this one essence wholly and equally pervades each of the three persons in the Godhead without division or multiplication.” - McCune 2. Tri-unity of God – Three in one B. Unity of God 1. The whole of God is in each Trinitarian person- (a) He is not divided within Self (b) He is not separated out 2. Each Persons of the Godhead was always existing- (a) He is simultaneously everywhere present (b) He is simultaneously everywhere present completely 3. God is a Unity not a Unit- (a) He cannot be broken up or have a different essence (b) He is capable of internal distinctions 4. Each of the Persons of the Godhead are intertwined- (a) Father is God, John 6:27 (b) Jesus is God, John 1:1 (c) Holy Spirit is God, Acts 5:3-4 C. Tri-unity of God 1. God is three Persons in one essence. (Ontological)- (a) “If God had never created the universe, but had existed alone from all eternity, he would be triune. And the three persons are so real and distinct from each other, that each possesses a hypostatical or trinitarian consciousness different from that of the other.” - Shedd (b) They are equal… (1) In Power (2) In Being (3) In Glory (c) The three Persons of the Godhead are objective to Each Other (1) Actions of One cannot be ascribed to Another (2) They are independent irrespective of creation, redemption and sanctification 2. There is a difference in function (Economic). This deals with what the Godhead does, not Who They are… (a) God the Father is first in the work (b) God the Son is second in the work (c) God the Spirit is third in the work (d) Subordination within the Godhead (1) Father sent the Son, I John 4:10 (2) Father and Son send the Spirit, John 14:26, 15:26 (3) Son delivers Kingdom to the Father, I Cor. 15:24-28 D. Application 1. Jesus had to learn submission, Hebrews 5:8 2. We learn submission, Ephesians 5:21 3. We submit to the church, Matthew 18:15-18 4. Do you struggle w/ submitting to those God has placed over you? 5. Are you submitted to God through following His Word? Conclusion: There has never been disharmony within the Godhead. They coexist in perfect harmony and fellowship as Three in One. We cannot illustrate it from nature because all illustrations fall short. His ways are beyond our comprehension. He commands us to be submissive to those He has sovereignly placed over us in His perfect plan. We worship an INFINITE God and it is good we have trouble explaining Him! Therefore REMEMBER, there have been many books written to try to explain this concept, so do not get upset if this is difficult! I hope you are impressed by who He is! Look up these verses to help understand the concept of the Trinity… Has always been a TRI – unity ~ John 1:1-4, 14, 18, 5:26, 6:57. Has a purpose ~ Genesis 1:1-3, John15:26, 16:8-9. Old Testament ~ Genesis 1:26 -27, 3:22-23; Deuteronomy 6:4. New Testament ~ John 17:25, Matthew 3:16, Revelation 1:8, Luke 22:42. “Picture of Each” ~ Mark 1:9-11, Matthew 3:13-17 each are involved.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 02:05:02 +0000

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