“New Doctrine on Mental Diseases” Read the “New Doctrine - TopicsExpress


“New Doctrine on Mental Diseases” Read the “New Doctrine on Mental Diseases” not to contradict and confute, not to believe and take certain things for granted but to weigh and consider what is attempted. I have undertaken this new field of research with the fond hope of helping those that require understanding rather than imposing my views on them for the sake of a fancy or a whimsicality, Today man needs solace from different sources. Our life in the modern world has given us little sustenance. Perhaps all our tensions and worries are traceable to the conflicting situations that arise in our consciousness. Human progress should be aimed at by all means. There are different spheres of investigation. On my part I have investigated an area of the human mind to find out why a few men and women behave abnormally. So far no satisfactory solution has been found as far as mental disorders are concerned. Mental Diseases as I intuitively realise, arise out of the net-work of cause-effect relationship which could be dug into the past existence. This is an indigenous approach have attempted in unravelling many hidden truths. It is precisely these traits and tendencies of the previous existence that govern and dictate the present action and future destiny. As such treatment of mental disorders at the Institutes of Mental Health, I understand, is discovered to be of little help, except drugging the patients heavily. The purpose of this publication is not so much to impress upon people the theory of reincarnation - although there is enough proof to substantiate it - as to dispel the dogmas that fill the minds of psychologists and psychiatrists. And besides it has been my endeavour to show how seriously limited is our understanding of the human mind and its functions. At the very outset I should say that whatever I have tried is, in some measure or part, autobiographical in character. It is likely that some people may say that my claims in the book sound incredible. There may be a few people who dismiss my work outright.I do not intend offering long explanations for either category of readers. The contents presented here speak for themselves. All that I ask for is nothing but patient and careful reading, keeping an open mind. If that is accomplished; half the battle is won. I have published a Kannada novel called “ SARTHAKATHE ” ( Fulfilment ) which embraces the mystery surrounding the cycle of life and death through extra-sensory perceptions of mental patients, besides narrating the story as expected of creative fiction. Yes, I have woven into the texture of my plot, the Principle of Reincarnation. Many readers have written to me commending my work in glowing terms. In particular I take great pride in mentioning a few psychologists and psychiatrists who have the following remarks to make about my novel. a) A healthy and plausible challenge to dogmatic assertions of scientific methodology; b) An altogether ‘humane’ but all-inclusive vision to human predicament offering heart-warming solutions; c) Perhaps the first of its kind in expounding a philosophy, through art, to build up the theory of Reincarnation; d) A bold stand which can remain unshaken in the face of any reputation, if any; I also started a Kannada monthly journal “SARTHAKATHE”, in May 1981. Greatly encouraged by the response of the readers, I thought it was quite appropriate and befitting to bring out Reincarnation Research Journal “PUNARJANMA” too in English with the sole aim of reconstructing the life-cycle based upon authentic records and thorough investigations. Often I questioned the very foundations of psychology and psychiatry but alas never did I get any satisfying and convincing answers. In particular I raised the fundamental issue whether the mental hospitals are the curative centres or creative agencies of mental disorders. My chief objection has been whether the people admitted there as patients are insane after all? Mental illness, during the 19th century might have been considered as a useful concept. But today we discover that it is not only scientifically worthless but socially injurious. It is universally believed that mental illness is a type of disease and psychiatry a branch of medicine. But neither of them seems to be true. The reasons are not far to seek. Medical diagnoses are the names of genuine diseases, whereas psychiatric diseases are nothing better than stigmatised labels. It is my deep conviction that “mental illness is just a myth, and psychiatric interventions serve no other purpose than injecting dejection to despairing souls.” Or they may at best be directed to moral, and not medical problems. Psychiatric therapy nowadays, in the guise of treatment, has only aggravated torture to the patients. This book deals with such a fallacious approach adopted by practitioners of psychology and psychiatry. It is high time that we possessed a courage of a new order to break away from the beaten track. That alone could open doors to vistas of progress and prosperity. At the moment mere scientific tools alone won’t answer most of the problems that surround human existence. Then what is the question? I have grown up with a religion not as a set of dogmas and a package of rituals but as a living force that concerns itself with the spiritual uplift and religious healing - of course, uncovering through doctrines, teachings and questions. Before I close it is my bounden duty to make my stand perfectly clear. My first task here is to present an essentially ‘destructive’ analysis of the concept of mental illness, and expose the so-called the discipline of psychiatry as a pseudo - medical enterprise. Let it be borne in mind that unless demolition takes place there is no question of a new creation or construction. What I have tried here is the latter upon a strong foundation as the pages of the book that follow will bear out. Now please read further on…. That follows under the same “New Doctrine on Mental Diseases”
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 18:13:25 +0000

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