*New Game Looking for Players* *Who and Where:* It has - TopicsExpress


*New Game Looking for Players* *Who and Where:* It has been quite a few years since I have hosted a RPG at our place, and it is high time that it changes. Our group currently consists of Rae, Andi, and myself. We are looking for 2 to 3 more people to join us. Our place is off Rawsonville Rd. in Ypsilanti Township (near the highway), and we have plenty of parking out front. *About the Game:* I tend to GM a system-lite, RP-heavy game. I use D20 systems, like Pathfinder, as a core framework. I find, however, that in my games verisimilar concerns often outweighed game system rules. This is assuming that the group can still enjoy the friendship and camaraderie that can only come from a group of happy and engaged people. My goal is for everyone at the table to be engrossed in some in-depth roleplaying (not “rollplaying”), and to achieve dramatic/compelling story and character development. Physical and psychological realism is very important in my GMing style; this is so that players develop realistic personalities and are able to interact with the world in understandable ways. Moreover, I am even comfortable running “evil” campaigns, or having “evil” player characters (PCs) at the table as long as the game is constructive. My games often delve into mature themes and content, and can become very gritty at times – though this is not necessarily my goal. Additionally, I am loathed to interfere on behalf of PCs or enemies when the situation goes south – “hard love” they call it. I also strongly discourage metaphysical thinking by players and metaphysical decision-making on the part of PCs. This has gone as far as PCs having to decide what names they want to call a species of humanoid roving raider they had newly encountered (e.g. “Orcs”). Meta-thinking can be defined as using out of game knowledge in game, and I discourage it because it can break game immersion. I do not have a very “story driven” GMing style; rather, I facilitate a “character driven” approach to story development, and a “sandbox” approach to world development. The largest proportion of my preparation time is spent writing NPCs, environments, and situational content so that PCs can make choices as to where they want their story to go. It takes a great deal of work for me to develop such an elaborate world. Therefore, I require players to invest an hour or two of their time a week to developing their characters, as well as developing their PC’s relationships with other PCs at the table. It is also necessary that all PCs have some aspects built into their personalities that give them motivation to be interested and investigate the events going on around them. Nihilism and defeatism – although charming in small doses – can get tiresome quickly. Also, I am going to setup a web Forum so that I can post content, and so PCs can continue discussions online between game nights. I like players to know the game rules ahead of time (when there ARE rules). I keep up-to-date a document of house rules to help acquaint new players to changes. All house rules are designed to increase realism, understandability, and “FUN”/drama. One of the house rules I use is a completely overhauled character alignment system so I am not required to make moral judgements on PC’s behavior. Lastly, I usually start out at low levels so that the PCs can develop a strong understanding of their own mortality. That being said, I endeavor to make combat rare (i.e 5% to 15% of the time depending), and most fights PCs get themselves into will be of their own accord. I enjoy tactical and environmentally complicated combat scenarios, and it is not uncommon for PCs to have to stretch their mind a bit in order to develop strategies to cope. All that being said, my number one priority is for everyone to have fun, and to develop lasting friendships. As stark as the preceding descriptions might seem we love to laugh, and we are all very funny and laid back people. Also, I have not discussed word/setting details because that is very much so open to what people are interested in. *What we are looking for in Players:* We are looking for mature, motivated, and dedicated players who have a sense of humor and an imagination. You should of course be interested in playing in the kind of campaign outline above. We also welcome individuals with little to no roleplaying experience as they can be some of the best roleplayers due to their lack of ingrained bad habits. We are not interested in individuals who more geared towards combat oriented amusements (i.e. “hack and slash”). If you consider yourself a “min maxer” or even a “character optimizor” you might not enjoy getting a chance to take your Ferrari Druid out for a spin. We are looking to schedule a game night once a week or every other week depending on peoples’ interests. We are inclined to choose Friday nights for game nights, but again, this is flexible. *Get in Contact:* Go ahead and send me an email by whatever communication network I have made this post. ;) We will setup a time and place to meet you, and get a sense what youre looking for. If you are still down, we’ll get started developing some basic character background ideas you might have, as well as preliminary ideas you might have about how you want to construct your character’s psychology. If everything goes well we might be starting in a matter of weeks, however, we understand that life sometimes intrudes. Please send me a message if you are interested so we can get the ball rolling, and fill out the following servery so we can get a sense of what you are interested in. https://qtrial.qualtrics/SE/?SID=SV_eRoi8NHk4O2WfZ3
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:12:37 +0000

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