New Group “Egyptians Against the Coup” Takes - TopicsExpress


New Group “Egyptians Against the Coup” Takes Shape pro-morsi-group We received the following statement from a new group called “Egyptians Against the Coup,” which is reproduced in full below: Egyptians Against Coup We are a group of independent Egyptian intellectuals, academics and activists who decided to convey to the world the voice of millions of frustrated fellow citizens overwhelming the streets all over Egyptian cities to demonstrate peacefully against the coup d’état that took place last Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013. We, as well as millions of Egyptians, reject the covert military coup that took place against the legitimate and democratically elected president Muhammad Morsi last Wednesday, and consider it and all its implications null and void. What happened is a setback of the democratic path that ended long decades of military rule. Currently, there is a total media blackout taking place in Egypt to prevent the broadcast of the magnificent scenes of millions of peaceful Egyptian protestors taking to the streets to declare their opposition to the coup. Right after the military general Abdel Fattah Al Sisi announced his Coup d’état last Wednesday, the Egyptian police instantly stormed the studios of TV broadcasts, ended them, smashed equipments, arrested all workers to prevent conveying crowd scenes to the world. The head of Al Jazeerah Mubashir Misr channel was detained and the channel has not been able to properly cover the ongoing peaceful demonstrations ever since. A campaign of mass arrests of activists ensued over the previous two days. Incidents of violence and massacres by the police and the thugs followed, and the outcome is a death toll of tens among the peaceful protestors and thousands injured. The most damaged were the cities of Matrouh, Al Minia, Sinai, Alexandria, Cairo, and Sharqiya. Videos show protestors, including innocent women and children, jumping to the river in Sharqiya while escaping from the armed thugs backed by police forces. Today, the military shut down all the alternate channels that aired the demonstrations (live). These channels are Al Yarmouk, Al Quds and Al Zaitouna, to keep the world uninformed about what is going on in Egypt. We call upon all Egyptians to come out to the streets and side with the millions who are already there protesting peacefully against injustice. We, Egyptians Against Coup, express our deepest frustration from the cold reaction of western governments and media. The objective western media is almost silent on the crime. Ethically speaking, this is not accepted in such pivotal moment in a country like Egypt. Refraining from showing the truth means sharing a huge part of the responsibility for this blackout. We advocate for changing this disgraceful stance to help conveying the scenes, numbers, demands and suffering of millions of peaceful Egyptians demonstrators. We call also upon all international human rights institutions, Western governments, and freedom supporters, to condemn this illegitimate act and reject it to help the Egyptians restore their democratic choice which is being smashed by the military. Egyptians Against Coup Friday 5 July 2013
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 08:53:48 +0000

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