New Keffi and Keana Chairmen Sworn in. His Excellency Umaru - TopicsExpress


New Keffi and Keana Chairmen Sworn in. His Excellency Umaru Tanko Almakura has tasked the newly sworn in Chairmen to continue to up hold the principles which have made the APC a success with the people, which he said were transparency , accountability, maintenance culture, rule of law and most of all the fear of God. He made this known during the swearing in of Hon. Moustapha Eladoga Ari of Keana and Hon. Mohammed Yakubu Dikko of Keffi as LGA Chairmen who won their cases against the March 22nd 2014 LGA Elections which went to Elections Tribunal ending up at the Appeals Tribunal which over turned the decision and awarded the Chairmanships to the APC. Gov. Almakura informed them that they out have one year to work in office tasking them to work on peace, generation of internal revenue by most of all to ensure that the salaries of all workers in the local Government Councils are promptly paid as it has always been the administration policy to ensure that all workers were paid when due, reminding them they are to uphold the public trust. The Governor commended the judiciary for showing a high level of professionalism for ensuring that justice was served and their commitment to ensuring that a fair hearing is given to cases brought before them. Saying that with a judiciary like this Nigeria has hope and brighter future. Calling on all to continue to obey the rule of law and have confidence in the judiciary. He spoke on the roles of the traditional rulers and the need for them to be neutral as they stand clear of politics , warning them not to that takes sides and natural God given rulers of the people. He also debunked a news report that the issuing of the Permanent Voters Card (PVC) had started in the state stating that government was working on how to return persons to deserted communities before the INEC starts the exercise on the 28th of November. Lastly, Gov. Almakura call on all to desist form fanning the embers of disunity and encouraging violence form our peace loving people under the name of politics . Responding the Keffi Chairman commended the State Governor for his unique style of leadership , where he did not interfere with the elections nor dis he interfere with the resulting judicial processes , he commended him on the developmental strides he had achieved in his time and assured him they would like good students they would follow the steps he had laid down and follow in his footsteps. He equally commended the judiciary and hoped the National Judiciary would learn from them and provide fair hearings and honest judgments that would be acceptable with all. 11/13 Updated List of Elected Chairmen of Local Government Councils in Nasarawa State. 1. Yusuf Aliyu Turaki – Awe- APC 2. Omaku John Henry – Doma – APC 3. Chindo Godwin – Karu – APC 4. Mohammed Yakubu Dikko – Keffi-APC 5. Hon. Moustapha Eladoga Ari- Keana- APC 6. Musa Namo- Kokona -PDP 7. Sulaiman A. Wambai – Lafia – APC 8. Akolo S. Ahmed -Nasarawa Eggon- PDP 9. Mohammed’s O. Musa -Toto – APC 10.Musa I. Shuaib- Wamba- APC 11 A.A. Koto – Akwanga- APC 12 DSP Joshua Obi- APC 13 Aliyu Tijjani -Nasarawa -APC
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 13:25:30 +0000

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