New Mexico crash 1945? Location. Near San Antonio, New - TopicsExpress


New Mexico crash 1945? Location. Near San Antonio, New Mexico Date: between August 20 & 25 1945 Time: morning Two young boys, Remigio Baca 9, and Jose Padilla, 7, reportedly came upon a long wide gash in the earth, with a manufactured object lying cockeyed and partially buried at the end of it, surrounded by a large field of debris. They believed then and believe today that the object was occupied by distinctly non-human life forms which were alive and moving about on their arrival minutes after the crash. They reported their findings to Jose’s father, Faustino Padilla, on whose ranch the craft had crashed. Shortly thereafter, Faustino received a military visitor asking for permission to remove the crashed object. Early that morning both Baca and Padilla had set out on horseback to find a cow that had wandered off to calf. Soon they moved into terrain that seemed too rough for the horse’s hooves, and Jose decided to tether them, minus bridles, allowing them to graze. He had spotted a mesquite thicket, a likely place for a wayward cow to give birth, and they set off across a field of jagged rocks and Cholla cactus to take a look. They took refuge under a ledge above the floodplain, protected somewhat from the lightning strikes that suddenly peppered the area. The storm quickly passed and as they again moved out, another brilliant light, accompanied by a crunching sound shook the ground around them. It was not at all like thunder, another experiment at White Sands? No, it seemed too close. They thought it came from the next canyon, adjacent to Walnut Creek and as they moved in that direction, they heard a cow in a clump of mesquites. Sure enough it was the missing cow, licking a white face calf. After checking the cow and the calf both boys decided to eat lunch and as they did Jose noticed smoke coming from a draw adjacent to Walnut Creek, a main tributary from the mountains to the Rio Grande. Ignoring their task at hand the two boys headed toward it, and what they saw as they topped the rise “stopped us dead in our tracks”. There was a huge gouge in the earth as long as a football field, and a circular object at the end of it. It was barely visible, through a field of smoke. It was the color of the old pot his mother was always trying to shine up, a dull metallic color. They moved closer and found the heat from the wreckage and burning greasewood to be intense. They retreated briefly to talk things over, cool off, sip from the canteen and collect their nerve, worried there might be casualties in the wreckage. Then they headed back to the site. That’s when things really got eerie. Waiting for the heat to diminish, they began examining the remnants at the periphery of a huge litter field. Reme picked up a piece of thin, shiny material that he says reminded him of “the tin foil in the old olive green Phillip Morris cigarette packs.” It was folded and lodged underneath a rock, apparently pinned there during the collision. When he freed it, it unfolded all by itself, he refolded it and it spread itself out again. Reme put it in his pocket. Finally they were able to work their way to within yards of the wreckage, fearing the worst and not quite ready for it. “I had my hand over my face, peeking through my fingers”, Reme recalled. As they approached they saw movement in the main part of the craft. Strange looking creatures were moving around inside. They looked under stress. They moved fast, as if they were able to will themselves from one position to another in an instant. They were shadowy and expressionless, but definitely living beings. Both boys felt concerned for the creatures, but did not want approach any further. They appeared child-like and not dangerous. But both boys were scared and exhausted and it was getting late. The boys backtracked ignoring the cow and the calf. It was a little after dusk when they climbed on their horses, and dark when they reached the Padilla home. They told Jose’s father what they had found. Faustino Padilla said, “We’ll check it out in a day or two.” He thought it could have been something the military lost and they should not disturb it. Two days later accompanied by Eddie Apodaca a state policeman and family friend Faustino Padilla and the two boys went over to the crash site. As they topped the ridge they noted that the cow and calf had moved on, probably headed for home pasture, then they walked a short distance to the overlook. For a second time, Jose and Reme were dumbfounded. The wreckage was nowhere to be seen. Puzzled the group headed down the canyon nonetheless and suddenly “as if by magic” the object reappeared. From the top of the hill it had blended into the surroundings. The sun had been at a different angle and the object had dirt and debris over it, which Reme speculated someone might have put it there after the crash. Apodaca and Faustino led the way to the crash, and then climbed inside while Jose and Reme were ordered to stay a short distance away. There was no sign of the little men. But incredibly the huge field of debris had been cleaned up. The main body of the craft, however, remained in place with odd pieces dangling everywhere. Both boys were then warned by Faustino not to tell anyone about the crash. The two men, now in their mid to late 60s still have a piece of the craft and know where other parts were buried by the military. Posted By James Whittaker
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 11:19:34 +0000

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