New Moon @ 11 degrees of Aquariu9.40 PM UT 30th Jan, 7.40 AM AEDT - TopicsExpress


New Moon @ 11 degrees of Aquariu9.40 PM UT 30th Jan, 7.40 AM AEDT 31st Jan. We have come to end of January already,and what an intense month it’s been!! Not only did we start the month with a new moon, we are about to end it with one as well. Also added to the mix, is a change of Chinese New Year, and the direct motion of Venus…conjunct Pluto no less! First and foremost, a new moon offers us the chance to start anew and plant the seeds of that we wish to sow. While it is a powerful time of manifestation, I can’t stress to you enough that it’s a time of you co-creating with the universe-not just expecting things to happen without any effort. The phases of the Moon and the planetary transits are almost like having your own personal trainer-they’re there to guide and support you, but ultimately it will you who puts in the hard work. The month of January has seen us spend our final days with the energy of the Water Snake. What this means is that for most of us, there has been a speeding up of the shedding-particularly on an emotional level-with events and “aha” moments helping us to have more clarity about certain situations in our life. Relationships and our life work are the main themes here, as we have also been journeying with Venus in her retrograde phase in the sign of Capricorn. Venus went retrograde on December 22nd, and will start her forward movement again on February 2nd. During this time we tend to re-evaluate all of our connections and what they mean to us. We start to see people and situations for what they really are, and decide if this is an energy that we wish to have in our lives. Some connections will fade during this phase, while others will deepen. You may also find that connections that haven’t been finished or even acknowledged, will come back into your life for another round. This is also a time of looking at how you value yourself and how the thoughts and feelings you hold about yourself, may actually be the very things that are stopping you from moving forward. Your external situations will bring light to the way that you see yourself, and even though these interactions may be painful, they also offer you a gateway for healing. This doesn’t mean that you should put up with bad behaviour or situations, but it does offer you the chance to find the gift in all of your circumstances, and make empowered decisions that serve you and your journey. As Venus is currently conjunct Pluto, she will put you in touch with your deepest passions and desires, and will encourage you to disconnect from anything superficial. The combination of these two planets help you to travel to the depths of yourself and allow you to identify anything that you’ve been hiding or keeping a secret. It is time to start bringing all aspects of yourself to the light-even the ones you deem unacceptable or ugly. While this can be scary, it can also be incredibly liberating, as you start to live a more authentic life unencumbered by masks and pretenses. It also allows you to free up the energy that you’ve been using to keep all of those things hidden. Imagine what you could bring into your life once you have the space and the extra focus to put behind it!! It is time to come out of the Underworld and start putting everything you’ve learnt and experienced over the last year into action. No more hiding, and no more procrastination. This is your time to take control of your life and steer it into the direction that you wish to go in. The Aquarius Moon will encourage us to step outside of the square and let go of any restrictions that have been keeping us stuck. This is a time of originality, invention, and seeing things from a larger viewpoint. The energy of the Water Bearer asks us to be the unique and eccentric individuals that we are without apology, and to let go of our judgement of how we think things should be. We each have our own unique path to follow, and just because it doesn’t suit someone else, it doesn’t mean that it’s wrong. Let go of the need to please and start making decisions based on what you want. The Horse energy will bring with it a renewed enthusiasm for life, the need for adventure, and the courage to free yourself up from restrictive circumstances. This will be a fast paced year-one where decisions are made quickly, and the possibility of your life taking a complete change in direction. Because its such an action oriented year, you will find that opportunities will fade away as quickly as they come, so you will need to take them when theyre presented to you. This certainly doesnt mean that you should jump into any situation, but it does mean that you will need to trust your instincts when opportunities arise. The element for this year is Wood, which means that it will serve us well to keep our feet on the ground through our connection with Mother Earth. It can be so easy to get caught up in the heady and paced energy of this year-which is also a Neptune ruled 7-so engaging in pastimes that allow you to connect to nature and be present in your body will support you greatly. Being present in your body will also allow you to listen to your intuition and help you hear the messages that your soul is trying to convey to you. The flavour of the next few months is all about our relationship with ourselves and others as the Nodes head into the Aries/Libra axis toward the end of February. As Venus wont be back to the degree that she went retrograde at until early March, I can safely say that February will be a month of observing our interactions with ourselves and others. Mercury will also go retrograde in the water sign of Pisces which will allow us to connect with our emotions and our subconscious mind on a deeper level. In the meantime, sit down and create a vision board or write a list of what you would like to achieve this year. Make a conscious decision to start taking steps towards clearing away the old and outdated, and get excited about all of the amazing things that you can bring into your life. You can do it!! And remember, every step you take towards the greater good of yourself, will make a greater impact on the greater good of mankind. And thats what the Aquarian energy is ultimately all about. Keeping yourself small is a disservice to yourself and the world-so get out there and be seen!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 06:40:59 +0000

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