New Moon Horoscope Valid from July 8th until August 5th Leo is - TopicsExpress


New Moon Horoscope Valid from July 8th until August 5th Leo is an all out there sign, leadership, charisma, drama are all qualities felt in its presence. This New Moon for the Hebrew month of Leo also known as Av, brings an interesting blend for all of us; in one hand there are still 4 mayor planets in Cancer one of them is Mercury the planet of communication which at the time of the new moon will be retrograde infusing the seed level for this lunar cycle or month of Leo with challenges in trying to verbally express emotions-feelings to this we can’t forget that the sign of Leo is dramatic so as a general state this month promises not to have a boring moment, if by some reason you feel yourself being carried away in a dramatic ‘telenovela’ like confrontation try to remember it is just an influence of the energy of the planets and signs for this month and if you try to be rational about it you will realize it is not a big of a deal as it might seem. In a more punctual way it will be influencing each of the 12 signs as follows: Aries: This is not a time to be alone, you will be in the mood for relating, and the day/month will not be complete in any way unless you share it. This is a time to be aware of how much your completeness depends upon others. If you are single, this time of the year you will be open to attract people who will be good for you, not only emotionally but in other ways as well. Taurus: This will be a time where you will feel homey, domestic surroundings will appeal to you and there will be a desire to express your affections. You will have strong feelings of love for your family and relatives during this lunar month of Leo. Relations with women are especially fortunate and you may gamin some benefit through such associations. It is a good time to visit your mother. Gemini: Your creative self-expression grows as never before. You will find the courage to be yourself and to express yourself to others without fear or apology but without selfishness or egotism. This has the immediate effect of improving your relationships with others tremendously. If you have children, this month will improve your relationship with them, there will probably be many occasions when you will feel proud of them, you are able to give them whatever they need for their own development without feeling in any way diminished. Cancer: At this time you have to get in touch with your own subconscious mind, to find out how it directs your life in ways that you aren’t aware of. Try to see how your actions may run against your conscious intentions. We all broadcast two kinds of signals to the outer world; one kind is what we think we are trying to do; the other kind is the unconscious signal that tells people what we are really trying to do. Make an effort to be aware that these two signals are the same otherwise people around you might feel confused and cause them to lose faith in what you are trying to do. Leo: During this time of the year you should attempt to broaden your horizons in every way possible – through study, new and unfamiliar experiences, traveling or by meeting people from totally different backgrounds who can reveal another aspect of the world. Strive to make even the most trivial encounter a positive learning experience. Virgo: At this time of the year you focus your concerns upon your most intimate personal life and the people who affect it most, your family and parents. You will want to be in familiar surroundings now and feel that you have some kind of center or place where you can build a solid base for your activities. For most people this means a home. Although you should continue to live up to the demands of the outer world, because your personal life is interdependent with it, you should focus most of your attention inward. Not only inward to your personal life, but also inward in a psychological sense, this is a time of feeling exactly where you are with respect to the world and getting in touch with your own deepest levels. If necessary go off by yourself and spend time in meditation. Libra: This month brings a need for quiet, relaxing time for reflection, creativity and renewal. There have been some draining activities in the past months and now is a time to rest. It is the proper time to recognize that your spiritual and psychological needs are as important as your physical needs. Now is time to explore the spiritual realm, involving yourself in experiences that promotes personal transformation: psychology, consciousness-expanding seminars, or self-help classes, if you do it, the energy of this month will help you attract spiritual teachers who can help you elevate your consciousness. Scorpio: Your energy will be directed towards being successful in society’s eyes. This month will arouse your ambition to achieve. If you can identify with a project, you will work extremely hard at it until it is done. It is especially important now that you find an independent project that requires your individual initiative and effort. You should try to gain independent authority in your work at this time because you are not likely to be very tolerant of other people’s authority over yourself. Your energy will make an impression upon people who are in a position to help you, as long as you don’t challenge them unduly. Sagittarius: The main issue that you will confront at this time is the actual structuring of your mind and how it operates in a day to day level, in other words, your everyday mental patterns, attitudes, habits, styles of speaking and ways of listening to others. You will begin to deal with how your inner world relates to the outside world. If you are a person who defines success in purely external terms, you may feel that a period of frustration is ending. However, it hasn’t been failure, but rather learning. Capricorn: During this month you will discover that your close associations with others test you out and make increasing demands. Often these will be sources of difficulty in your life, and dealing with them will require great effort on your part. Some relationships will end, because they demand more than they are worth. Even a good relationship will have to confront its flaws during this time. Aquarius: What you can do now is put all of your energy into expanding your mind. Look for experiences that will open up new dimensions of reality instead of wasting your energy on defending your ideas. Expand and enlarge your present beliefs. Avoid identifying your ego with what you believe. When you identify your ego with your ideas, you really believe you are the idea, and you will defend it as if it were literally your own body. Even the physiological reactions that you will experience in your body will be literally a reflection of what you are verbally confronting. Pisces: This month you will feel more emotional than usual. This, of course can be good or challenging, depending upon how you normally relate to your emotions. If you can handle the emotions that are aroused, you will be able to relate to others with great feeling and empathy. This will be an excellent month to relate at a very deep, intense level, when you communicate not only with your rational mind but with your subliminal senses as well. Even a casual encounter may have this quality of emotional depth. Any questions? Please contact me at: astrokiosk@gmail
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 14:18:22 +0000

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