New Police Chief Talks Tough To Protect The Weak, Vulnerable The - TopicsExpress


New Police Chief Talks Tough To Protect The Weak, Vulnerable The newly appointed acting Inspector-General of Police, Suleiman Abba formally assumed duties yesterday with a pledge to protect the weak and the vulnerable in the society.Abba who spoke exclusively with our coreespondence on telephone yesterday night promised to invigorate the war against criminals across the country. He said: “You should also note that our major concern is to protect and assist the weak ones. And as you know, the criminals like to exploit the weak. That’s why the police symbol is the elephant; the elephant is a strong animal and the police are stronger than criminals.” Abba’s message to criminals was simple and straightforward: “First and foremost, we will continue to consider them as threats; we will go after them. We will not relent. But because I’m a Police Officer, my first advice to them is to stop their criminal acts. Respect the provisions of the law; don’t engage in crime and you will become our best friend. If you get involved in crime, we will make sure that we bring you to justice. “What I’m trying to say in a nutshell is that we are going to take charge and we would really take charge in the fight against crimes. We will not allow any crime to go unpunished. You know I am a field man, so we will not relent. “Certainly, our focus would be on violent criminals and these include violence against the weak and the vulnerable. Violent crimes like armed robbery, like kidnapping and terrorism will be tackled with renewed vigour.” On how he would tackle the issue of attitudinal change in the Force, Abba said: “Like I told you, I believe that whatever you do to a man to change him, so long as you allow him to maintain the same bad character, you will not see the change in him. So, what we want to do is that we want every police officer to know the values in policing and then work in conformity with the provisions of the Code of Ethics. “Once every officer is into that then, we would have good characters; we would have actions within the provisions of the law; we would have what we call accountability and then the public will begin to accept us as true friends and then we would partner and work together to fight crimes. Just like the cases of robbers and kidnappers, none of them is stronger than all of us. But by the time we really get together, we would get over them.” On how he received the news of his appointment, the acting IGP said it did not come to him as a surprise because “God in His infinite mercy has prepared me for the office.” Abba continued: “I must be frank with you; I have served the Police for almost thirty years; people get deceived by my appearance. I’m 55 years old. At this age, with that experience, I should like to accept anything that come way as a challenge. And I have never at any moment hesitated to face the challenge. Also while speaking yesterday during his maiden address to men and officers of the Force in Abuja shortly after his predecessor, Mohammed Abubakar handed over to him, Abba remarked that all the reform programmes of successive governments failed to transform the police because they did not focus on attitudinal change of the security operatives. The acting IGP however noted that of all the reform programmes implemented by various administrations, only that of YarAdua/Jonathan had an impact on the Force. The new police boss said his team would also ensure that “policing becomes truly intelligence-led while enforcement and crime prevention initiatives are integrated and supportive of each other.” The acting IGP promised to build on the positive aspects “that are firmly entrenched in the Force” and to reinvigorate the areas where giant strides are expected, adding that he would do whatever is necessary to curb the excesses of violent criminals. According to him, senior police officers would be held accountable for their actions and inactions, by means of performance contracts and indicators, with clear deliverables which he said would be closely monitored. Abba said: The recent upsurge in security challenges will have my full attention. I am committed to addressing these issues and reaffirm the high standards of performance for which the Nigeria Police is nationally and internationally acclaimed. In consonance with the President’s Transformation Agenda, I will develop and implement constructive policing strategies for the maintenance of a stable democracy and economic growth.” The police boss said he would be guided by the needs and concerns of Nigerians; recognize and ensure the welfare of all Police officers; respect and protect human rights; cooperate with other security agencies and governments at all levels in the country, in order to achieve a safe and secure environment for everyone living in Nigeria. He said: My vision is to make the Nigeria Police Force a leading national, professional, and efficient law enforcement organization. A police force that is dynamic, robust and efficient; one that never rests or abdicate its professional duty; that studies and analyzes what works and what doesnt; acknowledges and learns from its mistakes, and celebrates its victories. “This is, indeed, our opportunity to redefine and rededicate our focus on our highest mission, which is to assuredly avail unfailing public safety service to the citizens of Nigeria. All aspects of our service will be centered on the values of hard work, honesty and humility –the triple H. Earlier in his valedictory address, the outgoing IG, Mohamed Abubakar called on officers and men in the Force to support the incoming police boss in order to curb insecurity. Abubakar described the hand over day as his happiest, adding that he was indebted to everyone in the Force, particularly the rank and file. He described Abba as his younger brother “whom I guided through the Police.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 11:17:59 +0000

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