New Poll based on the opinion of the Bretons about the ideal - TopicsExpress


New Poll based on the opinion of the Bretons about the ideal territory of Brittany Region suggests that 90% of the Bretons wish either the statu quo or to have the Region of Brittany with 5 departments, but clearly not the merge with an other region (6%). Bretagne Réunie has revealed through an independent polling agency (LH2/BVA) that : 1) A large majority of the Bretons are in favorable position to have a Region of Brittany composed of 5 departments, including Loire-Atlantique 55% of the bretons express their support for a territory of Region of Brittany including the 4 current departments in addition of Loire-Atlantique department, currently linked to Pays de le Loire. This scenario is highly prefered than the 2 others proposed hypothesis in this study. Indeed, only a minority of 35% of the Bretons would like that the adminsitrative Region of Brittany keep its border as it is. The third option relating to the merge of the 4 departments of Brittany with the other 5 departments of Pays de la Loire does not obtain the favor with only 6% of the interviewed Bretons. 2) The inhabitants of the 4 departments have come out strongly in favour of Brittany with 5 departments This tendency is reflected among the inhabitants of the 4 departments. The inhabitants of the department of Morbihan are the greatest supporters for a Brittany that would see its historical borders returned, including Loire Atlantique (61%). With an absolute majority, the inahbitants of the 3 other departments are considering that the ideal territory of Region Bretagne should include Loire Atlantique (53% in Finistere and Ille et Vilaine, and 51% in Cotes d’Armor). Regarding the two other hypothesis having less support , we notice that the Costarmoricans are more in favor to maintain the borders as they are (42%) while the Finisterrians with 10% are a bit more in favor to merge Brittany with Pays e la Loire. We do observe that men are more in favor to create the Region of Brittany with 5 departments (62%) than women (48%). ---------------------------------- François Hollande made an annoucement on 3rd of June about the launch of a large territorial reform of France. Following a massive territorial reorganisation, this project will see a change from 22 regions down to 14. This announcement hasbeen widely criticised at regional level that [the regions] have estimated that they haven’t been consulted enough regarding the merge to come. It is the case of the Region of Brittany for which the Bill provides to maintain of the current borders with the 4 departments (Cotes d’Armor, Finistere, Ille et Vilaine and Morbihan). It is in this context and as the examination of the Bill relating to the delimitation of the borders by the National Assembly approaches that LH2 Polling Institute and on request by « Bretagne Réunie » Association has interviewed by phone a sample of 807 Breton individuals representatitve of the population of Région Bretagne on 10th of July 2014 in order to know, what is the ideal territory for the future Region of Brittany. The interviewees had the choice between maintaining the borders as they are, merging with Pays de la Loire or the combination of Loire Atlantique with the 4 curent departments of the administrative Region. ---------------------------------- This enquiry has been made by LH2 for Bretagne Réunie among a sample of Bretons interviewed by phone on 10th of July 2014. A sample of 807 individuals, representative of the population of the Region of Brittany aged from 18 years and more. Sample was selected using the gender, age, socioeconomic class/income quota method, department of residency (Côtes d’Armor, Finistère, Ille et Vilaine and Morbihan) and size of town. The diffusion of the results of this enquiry has to show the following information : Name of the institute, methodology of the inquiry, date of completion, and sample size. Bretagne Réunie has revealed through an independent polling agency (LH2/BVA) that : 55% wish to have Brittany reunified 35% wish to see Brittany as it is 6% of the bretons wish to have Brittany merged within a « Great West ».
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 12:07:00 +0000

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