New Short Story "The Water" The Water She is a pretty woman, - TopicsExpress


New Short Story "The Water" The Water She is a pretty woman, tall and thin. Only a few years out of high school, Peggy chose motherhood instead of pursuing her modeling career in Paris or London. Standing there examining her reflection in the full-length mirror. The image is of a woman standing in the middle of a large spacious bedroom. The statuesque beauty exudes grace and grandeur, and her image covers the entire wall, floor to ceiling. The massive four post king size bed with Rosewood inlays was imported from France. Other antique Broyhill furniture matches perfectly with the bedroom’s decor. The walk-in closet is where Peggy’s many gowns and shoes are waiting for their return to the runway. Peggy stands there and does a final check of her fine Halston dress. She likes the way it flows and shows off her curvy figure. New York or Paris designers are preferred whenever possible. The dress is mid-length, white with a beaded bodice that makes her curves stand out with flair. Every button done, every crease sharp and clean. Her long blond hair is wound-up in a bun and pinned down under a pillbox hat with white lace. The pillbox is set askew in just that right angle to highlight her exquisite bone structure. There is no need for makeup, she has a natural glow about her, and her skin is flawless. On special occasions, like this one, she adds just the hint of eye makeup and some lip-gloss. “Are you nearly ready?” asked Grant. “Yes dear, just about.” “How do I look?” “You are the most handsome man in the room! I love the blue pinstripe with your Jerry Garcia tie. All the other mothers will be so jealous.” “We need to get going.” “Yes dear, I just have to grab little Michael, then we can go.” “Mary-Ann!” When the couple married they moved into the big house. It is on a sprawling estate with several gardens and a large reflecting pond. Mary-Ann was chosen from a small list of possible nanny candidates. Peggy felt that Mary-Ann’s English up-bringing would be a positive influence on the baby. “Yes, Mrs. Wilson. I have master Michael dressed in his best outfit, it makes him look like quite the proper little gentleman. I have all his things packed and he is ready to go.” “Thank you, Mary-Ann. We should be back after the reception, maybe three o’clock.” “That would be splendid. I can’t wait to see the pictures.” “Peggy! I have the BMW out front.” “Why are we taking the Beemer? There’s no place to put the baby seat. We should take the big car.” “I like driving your car. You will have to hold the baby. It will be alright, I’ll drive slowly.” “Mary-Ann was asking about pictures. Did you remember to bring the camera?” “Of course, I grabbed the Nikon, and the extra batteries. Oh, did I mention that some of the employees will be at the church?” Peggy sits in the front seat holding Baby Michael. “I am sure they are more interested in the reception.” “They might be,” said Grant. “Some of the women went out and got a gift for Michael.” “That is so sweet. We really should have them over sometime. Maybe a company picnic” “Grant, will your family be there?” “Yes, they said they will meet us at the church instead of driving all the way out here.” “That’s nice. It will be good to see your family again. Why didn’t they stay out here last night, we had the room?” “I don’t know.” Peggy could have had her choice of any boy she wanted in school. She did not go for the football jocks; the hero with the glint in his eyes, only looking towards the crowd. Or the tennis stars with their better than everyone else attitude. The one boy she met at church camp, the one that made her laugh, he is going to be her mate. She understood that right from the beginning. Peggy chose the man driving them to the baptism. He is a kind man, a gentle man with an endless imagination and the knowledge of how to get the job done. Grant is so proud of the woman that calls him the love of her life. He likes to show her off, and when out on the town they will walk hand in hand. Everyone knows the couple; Peggy is a world famous runway model. The beauty pageants that led to the clothing line; so many awards, so many honors, the mantel above the fireplace cannot hold them all. Peggy has no interest in these awards, she occupies herself in the lab developing the new make-up and fragrance line. People will stop and stare, at the couple as they stroll by on the street. Everyone knows Peggy and her accomplishments; she is also very active in the community. Grant also loves the attention that Peggy garners and even though she is the person they admire, he does not mind. He is in love with Peggy and all that comes with her. “Father Clemens asked if I had any samples from the new fragrance line,” Peggy said. “He would like to add some of them to his charity auction next week. I said I would be happy to bring some by. Can we stop in at the lab and pick some up?” “That will be fine.” Pulling up in front of the church Grant said, “Oh look they have a special parking place for the parents and grandparents of the Baptismal boy. How sweet.” “We are a little early,” Grant noticed. “That’s good; will you take the boxes around to Father Clemens?” “Sure. Will you be alright?” “Yes, I will meet you inside.” Peggy took baby Michael inside the church and laid him down in the pew in the front row of the cathedral. It is a big church, high ceilings with many stain-glass windows arranged all the way around the cathedral. The sun is shining in on the east side and it casts multi colored shafts of light down into the pews. No one has turned on any of the lights. The shafts of colored lights make Peggy smile. “This will be a wonderful day for Michael’s baptism,” she thinks. As Grant enters the back of the church, several guests enter with him. They mill around at the back entrance. One of the guests is carrying a gift. “Is that for baby Michael?” “Yes it is.” “Thank you, I’ll take that and place it down over here on the table. Come on in, Peggy and the baby are up front.” The echoes of footfalls ring through the church and Peggy squeals with excitement over the folks coming up behind. “Jason! Alice! I’m glad you made it. Have you seen the folks? Mom and Dad said they will be here. This is going to be a great day.” Peggy takes Alice by the hand and they go off with baby Michael to a darkened corner of the church. Peggy has to breast feed Michael and she wants to talk to Alice alone. The sisters talk about the latest news and catch up on old times. Peggy wants to make the most of their time together, they talk as they did when they were little girls. The thousands of miles that separate them are very small today. The laughter and squeals give the impression they are reliving some memories from their childhood. Time slips away from the two women. “Peggy, come on, we are about to get started. Bring Michael; Father Clemens says we are starting.” “OK.” The guests are all seated in the pews and the honored parents and grand parents are seated in the front rows. Father Clemens starts the ceremony and everyone is quiet. They are enthralled with the fact that baby Michael is going to be baptized today. When the magic moment of baptism is at hand, Father Clemens stops and looks around as though he has lost something. A panic look comes over his face and it is clear to the guests that something is wrong. “Family and friends of the Wilson’s…we cannot continue with the baptism,” said Father Clemens. “What is wrong?” they thought. “What is the Father doing?” “Is something wrong with the baby?” “That poor couple, what will they do?” “I have misplaced the holy water and we cannot continue the ceremony with out it,” said Father Clemens. A hush comes over the crowd of people, and then a murmur of low voices echo through the big church. “We must have holy water to bless this child,” Father Clemens said. “Is it possible that any of you have any bottled water that we can have?” “Yes, Father,” said Grant’s mother as she stands. “I have an unopened bottle of Evian, will that work?” “Yes, yes, that will be wonderful,” said the father. “Can you please bring your offering forward?” Grant’s mother steps out and brings her bottle of water up to the alter. Father Clemens blesses the water as he pours it into the special challis. With that he returns to the proud parents Grant and Peggy, and says, “Bless this child, the family and friends that are here to wittiness the baptism of this soul.” “God Bless”
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 13:15:30 +0000

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