New Year, Fresh Start ---a message from our Precious Savior - TopicsExpress


New Year, Fresh Start ---a message from our Precious Savior Each new year brings with it many things. It’s full of freshness, growth, and new experiences. It’s full of second chances, forgiveness, and opportunities to try again. It’s also full of tests, new challenges, and its share of difficulties and problems. The most important thing in your new year is your relationship with Me. Because with Me at your side, you’re guaranteed to make it through whatever this new year may hold. It’s been wisely said that life on earth is a testing ground and a learning experience, and with Me as your guide and coach, you’re sure to be successful. Your success may not look like success as it is popularly perceived, but you will be successful in the things that last beyond this life and into eternity. Enter this new year with Me, holding My hand, and letting Me lead and guide you. Although I can’t promise that the paths you will walk this year will be easy or problem-free, I can promise you that My strength will always be sufficient for you, and that you will not face a challenge too big or too difficult for you and Me to handle together. If you can believe this and commit to trusting Me no matter what comes your way, you’ll find that nothing will surprise you so greatly as to undermine your confidence and trust in Me. When difficulties and challenges arise, remember My promise to help you through. Remember that when you are weak, I am strong. This will fill you with peace and confidence for your year ahead—the confidence of knowing that I, the maker of heaven and earth, am with you. As we walk through this year together, the challenges you face can become opportunities for you to experience My unfailing power and strength. The choices that you face will be easier to make with My counsel to direct you. The connections and relationships you have this year will be sweeter and deeper as more of Me shines through you. At the close of this new year you’ll be able to look back and see the progress you’ve made and look forward to another year with Me.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:15:14 +0000

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