New Years Eve 2015 was a quiet affair in my little bunker in the - TopicsExpress


New Years Eve 2015 was a quiet affair in my little bunker in the hills. I ate a meal, read a bit, sat a bit, reflected a bit and went to bed before 10pm. It was a good evening. There was not a speck of remorse, nor a dark shadow of the years events that have brought me to this point. Only a quiet-ness. When New Years day dawned I had been up and awake for about an hour, sitting outside with coffee in hand, watching the day emerge. The bird song was unbelievably loud. Deep inside i just knew this was the start of a wonderful year. I know not what lies ahead...but i know where i have been, and what lies in my heart for a better future. And that is the gift of lifes struggles i guess. The first day of a new year. It was a good day. No epiphanies. No worries. No hurries. Just quiet, mindful moments. And as I walked the country lane near my little bunker later in the day (on my way to feed the neighbours cat), i stopped and sat for a while and watched the sky now turn to dusk... I offered up a prayer of gratitude to be living in such a beautiful part of the world; to being safe and taking my first tentative steps towards a sense of belonging with a community that has warmly embraced me back into their hearts. I whispered a prayer of hope for all the beautiful souls across the planet who have, or are struggling with depression ~ grief ~ ill health ~ disconnection ~ homelessness ~ emptiness ~ despair. I touched the soil with my bare hands and offered a prayer to Gaia... our earth mother, to stand strong against those who would do her harm. And from deep within came a prayer for gratitude to find its way to the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child across the planet each and every day... in micro moments of mindlfulness. For it is in finding the gratitude in the little things that we remember who we truly are in our essence. Its on noticing the little things and feeling gratitude for them that (i believe) creates the most natural and freely sourced way to innoculate ourselves from the apathy that plagues our world. Our future is ours to create. It does not belong to those who hold more power and influence. It belongs to each and every one of us... together... Blessings to all. KLG
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 03:12:40 +0000

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