New Years Eve Word For 2015 ~ Apostle Les D. Crause He Does Not - TopicsExpress


New Years Eve Word For 2015 ~ Apostle Les D. Crause He Does Not Need Your Natural Strengths I did not ask you to do what you are capable of doing says the Lord. I did not ask you to take your natural strengths and go and use them to extend my Kingdom. I simply asked you to make yourself available to me. For my strength is made perfect in weakness says the Lord. So stop making excuses and saying, Yes Lord, I will do that but... You know Lord that I am not capable. Lord you know Im not very good at that. I dont need your natural abilities says the Lord. I just need your willingness to make yourself fully available to me. I need your willingness to go where I tell you to go and to speak what I tell you to speak. That is all I need of you says the Lord; your availability. He Will Give What You Need And as you make yourself available to me I will give you what you need. I will give you everything that you need. And if you desire strongly to be used by me and you dont have what you need to do that, I will give it to you. Because you desire to be a blessing; because you desire to extend my Kingdom in the earth, I shall grant unto you that which might seem in the natural impossible to you. All I need is your willingness to make yourself available, your readiness to give your all, and your availability to go out into this world in my place. For you are my hands and my feet. You are my eyes and my ears. You are my lips and my mouth that shall speak my words into this earth says the Lord. He Cannot Do It Without You When I desire to go out into this world to extend my Kingdom, I cannot do it without you. And when you make yourself available to me I can walk this earth once again. I can live once again and the King can reign once again as you allow me to reign through you says the Lord. Therefore my child I want to extend my Kingdom now into this earth. I want to reach out and destroy the works of darkness. I want to bring my Kingdom of Light to bear upon this world, and I cannot do it without you. So stop waiting for me to do what only you can do, for I can do it only through you. Therefore make yourself available. Give me your hands and give me your feet. Give me your strengths, give me your abilities, and give me even your weakness. Give me your appearance and your looks, whether they be good or bad says the Lord. Give me your body that I may live through it. Give me your soul that I may manifest myself through it. And give me your spirit that my power and my glory may dwell within it says the Lord. And I shall do amazing things in this world. And you will stand back in amazement yourself and say, I didnt think I could do that. I didnt think that God could use me to do that. He Will Lift You Up And Make You Visible But I will says the Lord. And as you step into this new year with me, as you make yourself fully available to me, I shall lift you up and I shall exalt you. And I shall make you visible to this world, because I am in you and this world has to see me. I said that if I be lifted up I will draw all men to me. Therefore if I am in you I cannot be lifted up unless you are lifted up says the Lord. Therefore allow me to live in you. Allow me to work through you, and you will automatically be lifted up for all the world to see. Do not try to hide away, but be bold and courageous. For you will be lifted up and the world will look at you. And when the world looks at you they will not see you, but they will see me says the Lord. My glory shall be manifested in you and through you says the Lord. And your life will be transformed as a result. And you will look back and say, Why did it take me so long to do this? Why didnt I do this before? His Kingdom Must Be Manifest I want to bless you. I want to use you and lift you up. I want to give you every desire of your heart. But all of it is for the sake of my Kingdom. My Kingdom comes first says the Lord. And if you are prepared to be an instrument you shall become a king or a queen. And I shall reign in and through you. And this year shall be unlike any that you have ever known. For I shall do wonders in your midst that you have never seen in all your life. Step boldly into it now says the Lord for this is my plan for you for the new year.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 19:55:27 +0000

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