New York: No Case against New York Knicks Guard © By Alton H. - TopicsExpress


New York: No Case against New York Knicks Guard © By Alton H. Maddox, Jr. After the wrongful conviction of Plaxico Burress of the New York Giants and the wrongful arrest of Raymond Felton of the New York Knicks, every pro athlete should be buying political and legal protection against any successful prosecution of an unjust law. This was the original mission of Ms. Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. These athletes make too much money to risk it in New York which is unfriendly to Blacks. This is the reason for a Freedom Party. The Democratic Party intends to maintain the status quo. Stay away from any public official or leading Black enrolled in the Democratic Party. See, for example, the mysterious death of Mayor Chokwe Lumumba. Neither Plaxico Burress nor Raymond Felton would be facing a false imprisonment charge in New York which frowns on Blacks exercising self-defense against any white person. This should be a Black history question. I am the only attorney who had to be barred from all courtrooms in the United States because I sought to overthrow white supremacy. This should at least be an honorable mention in Black history. I was dubbed the attorney-at-war. No one but a fool would suppress any element of history. This is why I am also a prolific writer and historian. I must keep Black history alive. An object of censorship is to kill our past. Gil Noble of Like It Is opposed censorship. This explains his demise and the elevation of Sandra Bookman to Here and Now. See also Medgar Evers. Given the fact that Felton had been recently arrested, I would have demanded an immediate trial by saying put twelve in the box. Prosecutors dread to hear these words. This is the only way to protect constitutional rights. There must always be a pre-emptive strike. I was a master at picking juries. It was always a high wire act. I would remember everything about the histories of the jurors. This would allow me to be all over the jury box during jury selection without notes. People v. Felton has some real evidentiary problems. For starters, there is a husband-wife privilege in New York which prevents a wife from testifying against her husband. Secondly, there is NY Penal Law §265.03 and the chain of custody. The wife should have never carried the gun out of her home. She must pay for this indiscretion. Instead, she should have called 911. The Brooklyn Appeals Court repeated this advice which had been given to John White in Suffolk County Court. He went to prison for taking matters into his own hands. A white mob had trespassed on his property and threatened to kill him and his family. New York said John White had a duty to retreat and to dial 911. The problem was complicated when her attorney seized the gun and took it to the police precinct. New York has strict gun laws. The lawyer was not in his place of business. He also placed matter into his own hands. This also violated NY Penal Law §265.03. If the prosecutor refuses to prosecute the wife or the attorney, the accusatory instrument against Felton must be dismissed for selective prosecution. When Brooklyn prosecutors indicted Andre Nichols for murdering a white, Catholic priest, they believed that they had an ironclad case. Nichols confessed to murdering the white priest. Nichols had a felony record and he was out on parole. His gun was unlicensed in any jurisdiction. To make matters worse, no one in New York would represent Nichols. The family contacted me. They believed that I was the only attorney who could unlock the jail cell. I not only took the case but I also refused to accept any public funds. This acquittal angered Mayor Ed Koch and the Catholic Church. This acquittal also did not improve my standing with the Brooklyn disciplinary committee. Many Blacks in New York behave like their white counterparts: We sick boss? No one will call my name on the airwaves. Our children have no positive role models. At Freedom Retreat for Boys and Girls, most young people are astonished to hear of my achievements. This recognition should not engender jealousy and envy. It should inspire our children. The problem is censorship. It is widely practiced in the tri-state without any public outrage. This is my rub. Blacks refuse to believe that the human rights struggle is a business. The Democratic Party, for example, is a member of the Fortune 500. So is the Republican Party. Blacks are political pawns. Any successful, business operation requires a money machine. I not only represented persons pro bono but I also had to finance their cases. This should be another lesson for Black history. The people must finance the struggle. It should be about collective work and responsibility. Blacks need legal representation. Charles Hamilton Houston institutionalized legal representation in the 1920s at Howard University Law School. Lawyers need the tools of their trade. C. Vernon Mason and I had to finance our own libraries. Otherwise, we would have never been a legal voice for the Black community. Ask a carpenter to build a house without a hammer and nails. Once the New York Legislature barred me from the practice of law, no other attorney sought to fill my shoes even though the Black community had established a legal defense fund. No legal defense fund was ever established for me even while I was practicing law in New York. No medal of honor exists for a Nat Turner. To make matters worse, no one is willing to invest in Blacks. Today, I still must find the finances to sustain United African Movement, the Freedom Party and Freedom Retreat for Boys and Girls. This only happens among Blacks. No other ethnic group would be willing to shortchange an investor. Investors in a movement allow for the recycling of dollars. Donors will not do the trick. They are mostly one and done. None of these groups will provide assistance to me. No Black athlete should sign with any of New Yorks pro teams. This is a costly mistake. A blue ribbon commission had stated, in 1991, that New Yorks judicial system is infested with racism. The laws of this state on self-defense including the right to bear arms violate the Second Amendment. There is no right of legal representation in New York. White lawyers are, mostly, social parasites and ambulance chasers. There has to be a human rights movement in New York. The civil rights movement passed by New York. Blacks in New York have shown no inclination to finance any struggle against white supremacy laws. No one can deny that the financing of the human rights movement has fallen mostly on my back. This is the documented history of New York. Anyone who objects should have footed some of the bill. When Trayvon Martin was assassinated, Darryl Parks headed the National Bar Association which is only a social organization. He and Benjamin Crump are Florida attorneys for the family of Trayvon Martin. The National Bar Association does not fight unjust laws like Stand Your Ground. I call it the National Boogie Association. White lawyers also have the American Bar Association and the American Trial lawyers Association among many others. These are legal-political bar associations. They have an interest in repealing laws that are unjust to whites. These white lawyers are also enrolled in political parties with, at least, a bent toward white supremacy. In the meantime, Black lawyers are, mostly, deaf, dumb and blind. Black lawyers should especially feel touched by Charles Hamilton Houston and Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. They gave their lives to combatting unjust laws. They would have been active in Florida after the murder of Trayvon Martin. A political organization for Blacks was only a pipe dream as late as the 1960s. The U.S. Supreme Court only decided Smith v. Allwright in 1944. Black selected officials, since 1965, have infested the political process.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 03:34:22 +0000

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