New York State Budget & Inequality Forum This - TopicsExpress


New York State Budget & Inequality Forum This Thursday Residents to Speak Out on How Budget Cuts Harm Local Communities The Central New York Citizens in Action, Inc., along with a coalition of community and state-wide groups, will sponsor a community forum entitled the “New York State Budget: More Inequality/Cuts or Shared Prosperity?” It will take place from 7– 9 p.m. on Thursday, March 6 at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Utica, 10 Higby Road, Utica. This event is free and open to the public and refreshments will be served. The forum will provide an opportunity for local residents to voice their concerns regarding budget cuts that are harming local communities as well as tax breaks that will disproportionately benefit the rich. . We are seeking persons to speak who can share their stories on how they have been personally impacted by cuts and how important funding public, community, and local government programs are to our area’s vitality. Please contact the Central New York Citizens in Action, Inc. if you or others can speak at the forum or at a news conference planned for this Friday, March 7 at 11 a.m. at the Utica Public Library. John Furman, President of the Central New York Citizens in Action, Inc., states: “The Governor’s 2014-15 budget proposal includes billions in tax breaks for the richest New Yorkers, including a windfall for wealthy estates, a so-called property tax ‘freeze,’ and tax cuts for banks. These tax breaks will make inequality grow in New York State, which ranks first in the nation for its gap between the rich and the middle class. It is no time for the Governor to give tax breaks to the very rich while local communities have suffered cuts to schools, police and fire, and other essential services. Tracy Besencon, Vice President of the Central New York Citizens in Action, Inc., said: “New York State leads the nation in income inequality, yet Gov. Cuomo’s proposed state budget prioritizes billions in new tax breaks to benefit the wealthiest New Yorkers at the expense of all of us. In the last 30 years, the income of the top 1 percent of New Yorkers has gone up 368 percent, while the income of the bottom 50 percent has gone down 16 percent. Our child poverty statistics are astounding and shameful with nearly half of all children in Upstate NY’s largest cities living in poverty.” Ronald Deutsch, Executive Director of the New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness, will be the keynote speaker. He will provide details on austerity cuts to education, local government, and human service as well as the Governor’s proposal to give tax breaks for the wealthy. John Furman, President of the Central New York Citizens in Action, Inc. will discuss how residents can become involved in the state-wide campaign to oppose the planned tax windfall for the banks and wealthiest New Yorkers. The public will be provided an opportunity to tell their stories on how current and future service cuts will impact their lives. The forum is co-sponsored by AFSCME, Citizen Action of New York, Labor Religion Coalition, New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness, CSEA, NYSUT, NY Working Families Party, Strong Economy for All, the AFL-CIO, and other local and state groups. For further information, call 725-0974, email cnycitizenaction@gmail, or visit cnycitizenaction.wordpress
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 02:18:55 +0000

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