New allegations are stemming from the birth certificate that Obama - TopicsExpress


New allegations are stemming from the birth certificate that Obama posted on his website from Hawaii. A well known document examiner, who has been employed by the same firm Obama is using to defend his eligibility, has released a 40 page report regarding it, and it’s bad news for Obama. Douglas Voght, has invested over two years of his time investigating the birth certificate combined his knowledge with typesetter Paul Ivey to examine the document that was used to create the PDF online. Together they have 80 years of combined experience and what they’ve come up with is astonishing. They went out and found the same type of equipment that would have been used back when Obama was born and attempted to recreate a certificate of live birth like what we’ve been shown. Rather than create something that look exactly the same as what we’ve been shown, they found 20 points of inconsistency between what they created and what Obama has provided, and detailed each forgery in their report. Voght also claims to have found the signature of the woman who created the forged document, within the document itself. Reed Hayes, who has been employed in the past by the same firm that’s defending Obama’s eligibility cases, has confirmed the findings of Voght and also believes it’s a forgery, he signed a sworn affidavit confirming it as well. “It’s 100% a forgery, no doubt about it,” he said. Hayes 30 page report report says that “based on my observations and findings, it is clear that the Certificate of Live Birth I examined is not a scan of an original paper birth certificate, but a digitally manufactured document created by utilizing material from various sources.” Which backs up what Voght had to say in his findings as well. barack-obama-birth-certificate These are all a part of the “Cold Case Posse” that was put together by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and have yet to be reported on by any main stream media outlets. These recent allegations could bring criminal charges against those involved with forging the document so sheriffs investigators are beginning to assist the volunteers. Mike Zullo is a lead investigator with the team and said that when these finding are brought to the public it will be “universe shattering,” although he said that because of the likelihood of criminal charges he was unable to divulge any details about the case. He did say, however, that the allegations could be made public as early as March of this year. Screen-Shot-2013-12-15-at-9.43.56-AM Zullo has said in a sworn affidavit that the anomalies found in the birth certificate that Obama produced are unexplainable unless it had been fabricated piecemeal with the intent to create a forgery instead of copied from an existing document. Zullo said that “Mr. Obama has, in fact, not offered any verifiable authoritative document of any legal significance or possessing any evidentiary value as to the origins of his purported birth narrative or location of the birth event.” He also noted that the original was never produced and should have been easy to find. “One of our most serious concerns is that the White House document appears to have been fabricated piecemeal on a computer, constructed by drawing together digitized data from several unknown sources.” There’s still many questions to be answered regarding Obama’s birth certificate, however these recent findings will be enough to send the nation into a constitutional crisis should they prove to be true. Think about how many people are involved and how far the President has gone to cover this up, the ramifications from it could be never ending and may very well lead to many people being imprisoned. The only question is whether or not the people who actually have the authority to do anything about it, congress, will act and ensure he’s removed from his position and his illegal laws are nullified. I would have to say probably not. Screen-Shot-2013-12-15-at-9.45.48-AM (H/T: Mr. Conservative)
Posted on: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 16:45:17 +0000

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