New batch students kindly pay heed(attention) here. following - TopicsExpress


New batch students kindly pay heed(attention) here. following are some tips which you all should consider while giving an interview. your attitude toward others are as important as your resume, experience, training and technical abilities. 1. NO DO-OVERS IN FIRST IMPRESSION- you will have 5 seconds to make a first impression in most situations. in a job interview your are given a bit more time to shine, since there is no rewind button to undo a false start, dont blow this opportunity to cement this image. 2. AVOID WARDROBE MALFUNCTION- always dress up conservatively for a job interview. this indicates that you think the interview and potential employer matter and that you respect them and the situation. 3. DONT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF SMILE- a smile shows not only confidence, but a pleasant nature. it invites others to get to know you.. 4. BODY LANGUAGE SPEAKS VOLUMES- employers interpret your attitude and interest in the job vacancy and in their company through your body language, just as they do from your smile and your words. sit up straight and plant your feet firmly on the floor during an interview. make an eye contact and maintain an open posture. 5. POLISH THE ART OF MEET AND GREET-how you greet people reveals a great deal about your confidence, attitude and your passion for job. learn to give a good handshake. begin with your hand parallel to the floor with your thumb pointing to the ceiling.never have your left hand in pocket when shaking hands and dont feel obligated to return a double handshake. 6.TABLE TALK-after you shake hands with all of your interviewers stand behind a chair until you are invited to sit down. once you get the seat, dont place your personal stuff on table.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 16:38:55 +0000

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