New beginning for Fallen into Fire: For the love of God, magic - TopicsExpress


New beginning for Fallen into Fire: For the love of God, magic isnt real! How many times do we have to had this talk? You cant travel through time, you cant reincarnate souls, and definitely cant rise from the dead, Emilia Shields told her best friend, Hannah Jones, as they walked home from their third viewing of Back to the Future. Youve been watching too much TV, Hannah. You liked it! I know you did, Hannah said, shoving her. Lia stumbled and laughed, I just think Marty McFly is pretty rad. Hannah laughed, brushing back a lock of blond hair. I shoulda known youd say that. But cmon, the ideas wicked cool, isnt it? Lia stopped, looking at her best friend. Sure, but remember. Doc even said its science, not magic. Hannah grinned, hazel eyes filled with amusement. Science, shmience. Can we go watch it again? She looked back at the theater, wringing her hands. Not tonight. Jeremiahs waiting for me. He said we had something to talk about, Lia muttered, looking up at the darkening sky. Like what? Hannah asked, linking her arm with Lia. *** So, what do you think? Theres going to be a lot of changes to the series.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 15:11:00 +0000

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