New direction in my life Im very excited about! Transforming - TopicsExpress


New direction in my life Im very excited about! Transforming business environments through educating leaders and employees about Consciousness and being deliberate creators. Our lives and businesses are shaped by the thoughts, words, feelings, and actions we use in any given moment. Have you observed yourself or work environment lacking fulfillment? Perhaps youre in the wrong field but arent sure what direction to take or how to find that first step. Perhaps youre in the right field but simply need to alter your mindset. Becoming a deliberate creator goes beyond setting goals. It means that you examine the beliefs and subconscious mental programs running which may get in the way of achieving your goals or limit the scope of them, which previously led you to live small. I work with individuals who desire to examine what has caused unfulfillment in their lives. Together, we explore the root causes: self-talk, mental and behavioral habit patterns, unexpressed emotions, frustration tolerance, and how stress is managed. When in chiropractic practice, I observed the physical body kept getting injured or perpetuating pain until issues in the mind or emotions were addressed. Rather than reliving the past, I worked with the individual in the present moment, allowing for patterns to be interrupted and redirected to more constructive ones. Often times, it was as simple as the person seeing and accepting the perfection of the present moment, clearing out false mental constructs and expectations often placed in the mind by family, peers, and society rather than from an authentic inner voice. In knowing that wherever you are right now is perfect, it removes the mental tension and pain of not meeting your or someone elses expectations of yourself or life. It creates the freedom necessary to create the life of YOUR desire and design. I retired from my practice to dedicate my time to teaching these principals and facilitate healing in a whole new form. Message or call/text (972-696-9333) for availability and pricing so these teachings can be presented to a group at your place of work, childs school, or to you as an individual on the phone or in person. Thank you so much for sharing with those you feel would benefit. 💚
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 22:59:53 +0000

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