New draft of one act play, Mary and the Divine Light Fairy ... to - TopicsExpress


New draft of one act play, Mary and the Divine Light Fairy ... to promote discussion on what is the divine ... at Lyndale UCC ... Springhouse ... Minneapolis ... Minneosta ... The Bard of Franklin Avenue ... Mary and The Divine Light Fairy A One Act play by James Oliver Smith, Jr. Cast: Mary: a seven year old girl Nancy: Johns sister, Marys aunt Fairy: The Divine Light Fairy Betty: Marys mother John: Marys father Fibonacci Man: Man on bus Abyan: Muslim Woman on bus Pat: Person on bus Priest: Man on Green Line light rail car Bible Man: Man on Green Line light rail car Eddie: Dakota man at Minnehaha Falls ******************************************* Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota Narrator: Mary and her aunt Nancy are on the 21 bus headed west down Lake Street for the Blue Line light rail station. They are seated on the first forward facing seat on the right hand side of the bus. Mary looks forward to the first seat opposite the driver where an older woman is sitting quietly, smiling broadly. The woman is wearing a bright pink dress that is stained, thread bare and wrinkled. She is holding a straight tree branch that is about two feet long. Her thin fingers clutch the branch tightly. On her head, tucked into her gray, disheveled hair, is a rhinestone tiara sparkling with the sun light shining through the bus windows. The woman turns her head towards Mary. Her eyes sparkle. She winks and Mary laughs. With her right hand the woman beckons for Mary to come to her. Mary: Aunt Nancy, that woman wants me to go over to her. Nance: No. You cant do that. Shes a stranger. Mary: But she looks really nice Aunt Nancy. Nary: OK, but Im going with you and Ill sit next to you. [Mary and Nancy move up to sit next to the woman with the tiara.] Mary: [Boldly. Curious.] Hi. Fairy: Hi, little girl. What is your name? Mary: Mary. Whats your name? Fairy: Oh, I dont have a name anymore. Im just the Divine Light Fairy. Mary: Fairy? Whats that? Fairy: A Fairy is someone with magical powers. And my power is that I can give others the power to see the Divine Light. Savers is a portal into the Divine Light and they gave me this tiara as a sign that I have this power. Nancy: You probably got it out of the trash. Fairy: Its mine. They set it out for me. It is a sign of my power. My wand here was given to me by an oak by the river. I use this wand to pass my power on to others. Mary: What does magical mean? Fairy: Magic is something that happens and you cant explain why it happens. Mary: You mean, like the sun and moon? I dont know why they happen. Fairy: Scientists know about the sun and moon. The earth turns and the sun and moon rise. But what we dont know, is why we feel happy when the sun and moon rise ... or sad ... or mad ... or hurt ... when we see the sun rise ... What is it, in the universe, that makes us feel safe ... or afraid ... or anxious? Mary: You mean, like the darkness, when mommy turns out the light? Why am I afraid? Fairy: Yes ... like the darkness. Why do you think you are afraid of the dark? Mary: ... because I dont know whats there. It makes me scared that there could be something there ... and I cant see it. Fairy: What if I could help you see through the darkness and see the Divine Light? Would you be afraid then? Mary: What is the Divine Light? Fairy: It is a feeling, within yourself ... that you will be safe ... that things will be alright ... that somewhere in the darkness is a power that will give you strength ... confidence ... courage. Mary: I would like that. How can I get that power? Fairy: Well ... I can give it to you. Mary: How? [The Fairy lifts the stick she is holding and taps the tip on Marys forehead.] Fairy: Just like that. You now have the power to see the Divine Light. Its that simple. Mary: But what does the divine light look like? Fairy: Oh ... Youll know when you see it ... and when you do you will be very happy ... but it will only make YOU happy, because no one else will see it in the same way you do. Nancy: Mary. Heres the station. We need to get off now. Come on. [Mary and Nancy get off the bus and head towards the escalator at the Lake Street light rail station] Mary: Aunt Nancy ... can you see the Divine Light? Nancy: Dont be silly. That old woman is crazy. You arent going to see any Divine Light. Mary: But she said I would, and I believe her. But I dont know what the Divine Light looks like. She said it would make me happy. Nancy: You shouldnt fill your head with such notions. There is no such thing as a Divine Light thatll make you happy. You can just forget that right now. ********************************************** [Seven year old Marys bedroom, the following morning] Narrator: A beam of light makes its way through a break in the curtains in Marys bedroom, illuminating her face. Mary: [Wakes up, rubs her eyes, blinks, Sits up and looks in the direction of the light coming in from the window] Oh! Such beautiful light! ... Its absolutely divine! ... Yes ... absolutely divine. ... [exuberantly, standing up in bed and boucing] Divine! Divine! Divine! [Mary stops bouncing, sniffs the air and smiles] Mary: Pancakes! ... Sausage! ... Breakfast! ... Daddys making breakfast! ... [starts jumping on the bed again] Divine! Divine! Divine! [Mary jumps off the bed and runs out of the bedroom and down the hallway towards the kitchen] Mary: Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! ... Breakfast! Breakfast! Breakfast! ... Divine! Divine! Divine! John: [turns towards his daughter and smiles] I thought these aromas would wake you up. You seem extraordinarily happy this morning. What happened? Mary: The light woke me up daddy. The morning light. Its divine, daddy, divine! ... Divine! Divine! Divine! John: Divine? Where in the world did you hear that word? Mary: On the bus, daddy. Yesterday. Me and Nancy ... Betty: [walking into the kitchen, tying the strap on her bath robe] Nancy and I ... not me and Nancy ... Nancy and I. Mary: ... [speaking rapidly ... more rapidly than her mouth could form the words, her speech stumbling on the words, taking quick, frantic breaths, in a continuous stream of words] Auntie Nancy and I were on the 21 bus yesterday and there was this old woman on the front seat, right by the driver and she had on an old pink dress, a raggedy brown jacket, and a beautiful tiara on her head. It glittered! Just like the sun this morning. She said she was the Divine Light Fairy and she said that Savers was a portal to the land of the Divine and that they gave her the tiara as a sign of her power to see the divine Light and she had a stick that she said was from an Oak tree by the river and that the stick has powers in her hand to give others the ability to see the Divine Light and she tapped my forehead with it and said that I would be able to see the Divine Light now and thats what I saw this morning ... the Divine Light ... like she said ... see? [stopping, totally out of breath, eagerly awaiting the response from her parents] John: Divine Light? You saw the Divine Light? Mary: Yes! This morning. Just now. Divine! Divine! Divine! Betty: [taking a seat at the table] Divine Light. Now thats interesting. Lets sit down at the table, eat some of daddys pancakes and then you can tell us all about this Divine Light. Mary: [takes a seat as John puts a plate with pancakes and sausage in front of her]. She picks up the knife, cuts a chunk from the stick of butter and spreads it on the pancakes] Nancy says shes crazy ... She says that woman rides the bus all the time and says the same thing all the time and wears the tiara all the time, but this morning I saw the Divine Light ... [Mary pours syrup on her pancakes, grabs her fork and cuts out a piece dripping with melted butter and syrup] ... so that means shes not crazy ... right? John: [serving Betty a plate with pancakes stacked on it] So, what were you and Aunt Nancy doing on the 21 bus? Mary: We were going to the Lake Street Station to take the Blue Line to the Mall of America. Aunt Nancy promised me some ice cream and some rides at Nickelodeon Universe. Betty: Aunt Nancy says this woman is on the 21 a lot? Mary: Yes. Aunt Nancy says shes seen her on the 5, the 2 and lots of other buses. She says shes crazy, but I dont think so. I think shes nice. John: [sitting down at the table with his own stack of pancakes] Do you know what the word divine means? Mary: No, but it must be something special, like the sunshine that woke me up today. I looked it up on my Kindle Fire last night on the web and all the meanings said something about god and something about deity, but I dont know what that is. Betty: Well, deity is just another word for god. Mary: Why dont they just say god then? John: Some people dont like the word god because it is associated with religions and empires and wars in ways that they are not comfortable with. Mary: Like you? You never talk about god or deity. Betty: We didnt want you to grow up with a narrow view of the universe. We feel the universe is larger and more inclusive than many narrow ideas about gods or deities. Mary: ... but what has all this got to do with the word divine? John: Well, since you are asking these questions it must mean it is time for your own journey to discover what the word divine means to you. Mary: You mean I can do this on my own? ... find out what divine means? Betty: Yes. We feel thats the best way to find out what the word divine means. Aunt Nancy told me that she is free today and was wondering if you and she could go on an adventure today ... your choice. Mary: My choice? Then I want to search for the divine. Maybe I can talk to the Divine Light Fairy again! ... Divine! Divine! Divine! Betty: Nancy told me about this Fairy you met. Shes not too keen on encouraging you to pursue this, but she did say she was willing to go with you today, to search for the Divine Light. ********************************************** [Mary and Aunt Nancy walking towards Lake Street to catch a bus] Nancy: You mother tells me that you want to spend the day looking for the meaning of the word divine. Is that true? Mary: Well, I think I already have it, but Im not sure. I want to be sure. Nancy: What do you think it is? Mary: I think its sunshine, like the Divine Light Fairy said. She tapped me with her oak stick and said I had the ability to see the light and this morning I saw the sunshine ... light ... That is divine. Nancy: If you know what it means then you dont need to search for the meaning of it. Mary: But I only THINK I know what it means. Mommy and Daddy said I need to find out for myself and I want to find out if it is sunshine. Nancy: Alright, where do you want to look first? We are coming up to the bus stop and we have choices to make. We have the 7 bus and the 21 bus at this corner and the Blue Line light rail just a couple of blocks down Lake Street. See the station down there? Mary: Yes. What should we do? Nancy: One thing I like to do when I cant make up my mind and am willing to use any of the available options is to look for a sign that helps me make the decision. For instance. We have the Blue Line, the 7 bus and the 21 bus. Look around us and see if there is anything that is the color Blue, the number 21 or the number 7. Mary: [spins slowly in place when they get to the corner, looking for something blue, 7 or 21] Look, at the curb! Theres a 7Up can. Lets go on the 7. Nancy: Alright. Which direction? Mary: Hmmm, whichever one comes first. Well take that. [Mary and Nancy cross Lake Street, looking up 26th Avenue to the North and Minnehaha Avenue to the south] Mary: Look a 7 bus is coming! Nancy: OK, we are going north then. [When the 7 bus stops, they board and sit on the first forward facing seat. In front of them, on the side facing seat is an old man with gray hair wearing a long, flowing, white robe with vertical rows of sewn patterns of tree branches and leaves. His right hand is holding onto a thick cane carved from a tree branch] Mary: Whats your name? Fibonacci Man: Im Fibonacci Man. Mary: Thats a funny name. Fibonacci Man: Why? Its logic, and logic is divine. Mary: Divine? You know the meaning of divine? Fibonacci Man: Of course, little woman. I know not only the meaning of divine, I also know the formula for divine? Mary: Formula? The divine has a formula? Fibonacci Man: Yes, of course. Everything has a formula and the foundation of all formulas is the Fibonacci sequence. It is the formula of the divine. [then the Fibonacci man lifts his wooden cane and raps it on the floor, first once, then once again, then twice, then three times, five times, then finally eight times. Then he smiles] THAT is the sound of logic, the sound of the Fibonacci Sequence and the sound of the divine. I am the Fibonacci Man. Mary: I thought the meaning of divine was sunshine. Fibonacci Man: Oh, yes ... yes! Sunshine. All light is defined by the Fibonacci Sequence ... so therefore ... little woman ... sunshine is the meaning of divine. I am the Fibonacci Man. [across from Fibonacci Man is a Somali woman wearing a hijab. She is reading the Koran. Mary walks over to her.] Mary: Hi. Abyan: Hi little girl. Mary: What is your name? Abyan: Abyan. Mary: Why do you wear that thing on your head? Abyan: It is a sign of modesty. Mary: Do you know what the Divine is? Abyan: Yes. The Divine is Allah. Mary: Is Allah god? Abyan: Yes. Mary: What does god look like? Abyan: Allah doesnt look like anything, but can also look like everything. Allah is everywhere. Mary: Is Allah in light? Abyan: Of course. Mary: Thought so. [On the front seat on the other side of the bus from where Nancy sits, is a person wearing a sun dress. The person has a full beard and short hair, but has a hair band across the top of the temples and head. Mary walks over to this person.] Mary: Hi. Pat: Hi. Mary: What is your name? Pat: Pat. Mary: Are you a man or woman? Pat: Is that important? Mary: I guess not. Im on a mission today with my aunt Nancy. Pat: You are? What mission is that? Mary: Im looking for the Divine. I think I know what it is, but Im not sure. Do you know what the Divine is? Pat: Well, I think the Divine is different for everyone. We are all unique and we shouldnt be judged by how we look, what we think or how we see the Divine. But, since you asked, I must say that I love wearing my sun dresses on the bus on sunny days. I feel so warm, so safe, that I feel like I can go anywhere and be accepted as I am. Mary: Sunlight! I like sunlight too. I have the power to see the Divine Light. The Divine Light Fairy told me so. Pat: I know the Divine Light Fairy too. I see her almost everyday. She gave me this hair band Im wearing. Mary: But youre hair is so short you dont need a hair band. Pat: Its not for my hair. The Divine Light Fairy said it was a gift from the Savers Portal to the Divine Light. She said it would help me be who I am. Did she tap with you with her wand and give you the power to see the Divine Light? Mary: Yes! She did. Pat: You are very lucky. Use that power wisely. Nancy: Mary. We are at the West Bank Green Line station. We need to get off. Mary: OK auntie. Bye Pat. Bye Abyan. Bye Fibonacci Man. Were going on the train now. [Mary and Nancy took the Cedar Avenue elevator down to the light rail platform and boarded the next westbound train. They sat next to a priest wearing a big cross hanging from his neck. It swayed gently on his chest. He tucks his robes beneath his legs when Mary and Nancy sit down.] Mary: [to the priest] Hi. Priest: Hello, young woman. How are you today? Mary: Im happy. I saw the Divine Light today. Priest: You did? Where? Mary: In my bed this morning. The light of the sun hit my face and I woke up. Immediately I knew it was the Divine Light, but Im still not sure. What do you think? Priest: Well, God is everywhere and he speaks to everyone in different ways. It would not surprise me at all if he chose to speak to you through a beam of light in your bedroom. Mary: Oh, goodie! Divine! Divine! Divine! ... but ... wait ... You said he speaks. Is God a man? Priest: No. God is not a man. Hes just God. Mary: ... but how come you keep saying he is God is not a man? Nancy: Mary, we are at the Downtown East light rail station. We need to catch the Blue Line here. Mary: Bye mister priest. Priest: Bye young woman. Enjoy your day. May you be blessed with your Divine Light from the sun. [Mary and Nancy leave the Green Line car and walk to the other side of the station to catch a southbound Green Line light rail train and step into the first train to arrive. A man wearing a suit is reading a Bible on the large seat by the door. Mary and Nancy sit next to him.] Mary: What are you reading? Bible Man: The Bible. Mary: Whats that. Bible Man: Its the word of God. Mary: God? That means the Divine. I saw it in the dictionary. Bible Man: Yes. God is Divine. Are you saved? Mary: I dont know, but I have the power to see the Divine Light. Bible Man: How can you do that if you arent saved? Mary: I dont know. I was just told that by the Divine Light Fairy. She tapped me with her wand and gave me the power to see the Divine Light. Bible Man: No. No. You cant see the Divine Line until you are saved. Heres a tract that will tell how to get saved. Then you will be able to see the Divine Light through Jesus. Mary: Is Jesus in the Divine Light? Bible Man: Of course he is. He is everywhere. Mary: Good. Jesus is in the Divine Light. I thought so. Nancy: Mary. We have to get off now. Were at the Minnehaha Falls station. [Mary and Nancy leave the train and walk to the Minnehaha Falls, descending the steps to the bottom, where they could get a good look at the cascading waters. At the base of the falls a man is seated on a rock. He is silent, listening intently to the sound of the falling water. Mary approaches the man] Mary: Hi. My name is Mary. Whats yours? Eddie: Eddie. How are you today? Mary: Im happy. Im also on a mission. Eddie: A mission? So am I. What is your mission? Mary: Im looking for the Divine Light. Eddie: You have come to a good place to find the Divine Light. I look for it too here. This is a sacred place for my people and for all nations. Mary: Who are your people? Eddie: The Dakota. We were the first to settle this land and we have shared it with many others. For me, it is the place I come to see the Divine Light. Mary: Is sunlight the Divine Light? Eddie: Sunlight is Divine. Yes, indeed, young woman. Sunlight is Divine, and it is here, in the falls ... in the water itself ... in the earth ... and in every tree that grows up within the earth ... I feel happy here ... and safe. [Mary smiles and looks up towards the falls which is sparkling in the afternoon sun. Then she notices a woman leaning over the rail at the top of the falls. It is the Divine Light Fairy with her bright pink dress, her dazzling rhinestone tiara and her oaken wand. Shes smiling.] Mary: I feel happy too ... and absolutely ... divine! The End
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 13:04:13 +0000

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