New excerpt from The Blood Warrior Trilogy: The Revenge of the - TopicsExpress


New excerpt from The Blood Warrior Trilogy: The Revenge of the Wolf: A full silver moon dominated the cloudless night sky with its thousands blinking stars. The peaceful tranquility was shattered by the chilling howl of a wolf. The wolf didn’t finish his howl before he was joined by a symphony of howling wolves that pricked the ears of every moose, elk, deer and prey animal within earshot. A wolf pack on the hunt was a matter of grave concern to all of them. The howling stopped suddenly, punctuated by sharp barks and yips. The silence that followed was pregnant with a heavy foreboding. The quiet was eerie as there was a total absence of sound. The animals could hear themselves breathe. When the large elk smelled the first faint trace of the approaching wolf pack, he bolted. The reddish tan bull had enormous antlers that trailed down his back as he ran. The elk flattened all the smaller shinnery and brush that was in his way as he dashed for survival. The whites of his eyes were reflected by the light of the moon. As he ran, he twisted his head, looking for the wolves. Thunder, who was the leader and largest member of the pack and his superior speed quickly separated him from the rest of the pack. He was rapidly closing the distance between the hunter and the hunted. Thunder vaulted onto the elk’s hindquarters and fastened his sharp teeth to one of its hamstrings. Thunder clamped down with all the strength in his powerful jaws as he felt the flesh give way, severing the hamstring. The terrified animal was now running on three legs. The elk kicked, trying to dislodge the wolf, but Thunder desperately hung on. He knew the bull’s hooves could be deadly if the elk connected with one of his kicks. Despite being reduced to being a tripod, the bull still managed to buck off the wolf. When Thunder hit the ground, he immediately rolled and came to his feet. The elk lowered his head, snorted and charged the wolf, attempting to gore him with the sharp points of his antlers. While Thunder was large for a timber wolf, he was also blessed with great quickness. He narrowly avoided the bull’s antlers, loudly barking to his pack, “Here! We’re over here!” When the rest of the pack arrived, Thunder and one of the others latched onto the elk’s throat while the rest ripped at the belly of their immobilized prey. The six wolves pulled the elk down and began feasting. Thunder threw his head back and howled, “Thank you, Father Wolf in the Sky, for providing for us!” Thunder’s pack of timber wolves roamed what would be known centuries later as Yellowstone National Park. Their territory was mostly modern-day Wyoming but extended into Montana and Idaho, consisting of vast woodlands and grasslands. The land teemed with wildlife of every species. The rivers and lakes were choked with fish. It was a great time to be a wolf.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:32:52 +0000

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