New food security formula: States of same size will have different - TopicsExpress


New food security formula: States of same size will have different coverage: It looks like some of the bigger states including Gujarat and Karnataka will soon have a much larger urban population covered under the public distribution system (PDS) as opposed to Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh although they are all comparable in size and population. timesofindia.feedsportal/c/33039/f/533916/s/30253a79/sc/8/l/0Ltimesofindia0Bindiatimes0N0Cindia0CNew0Efood0Esecurity0Eformula0EStates0Eof0Esame0Esize0Ewill0Ehave0Edifferent0Ecoverage0Carticleshow0C219269770Bcms/story01.htm
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 23:45:02 +0000

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