New mayor inspires leftist revolution in NYC Author: Theres 2 - TopicsExpress


New mayor inspires leftist revolution in NYC Author: Theres 2 sides to the progressive assault on civil security New York City could see a significant rise in violent crime in the next few years, warns Jack Cashill, author of “If I Had a Son: Race, Guns, and the Railroading of George Zimmerman,” a new book that looks at race and politics in the United States. Cashill blames the expected policies of Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio. Already, de Blasio has sought out the advice of ex-cons on how to reform city police measures, They want him to weaken police tactics widely regarded as instrumental in dramatically reducing the crime rate in New York City. Just this week de Blasio headlined a fundraiser for the leftist New York Communities for Change where Communication Workers of America spokesman Chris Shelton urged a “revolution” against “bankers, billionaire (sic) and brokers of Wall Street.” Cashill, in an interview with WND, asserted such changes would be a serious threat to the city’s security. New York went through a similar scenario a few years ago, he noted “There’s two sides to the progressive assault on civil security: On one hand, they are destroying families and creating criminals; on the other hand, they were visibly loosening the reins of justice so that you had an increase in criminals and a decline in crime and punishment. This all led to an absurd explosion in crime starting in the mid ’60s and lasting until Giuliani became mayor,” Cashill explained to WND. He said that strong, conservative opinions toward crime were fully justified by the remarkable amount of crime the city had, and it led the city to elect Rudy Giuliani, a law and order Republican, as mayor in 1993 “The Archie Bunker mentality was fully justified in mid ’70s New York. Crime that had once been controlled and avoidable had now become ubiquitous,” Cashill said. “The whole quality of life declined dramatically and it wasn’t just a part of the imagination. It declined so dramatically that the good people of New York finally broke down and elected a law and order Republican mayor! That’s how bad it got,” he said. New York’s previous murder rates give credence to Cashill’s assertions about the danger of living in the city from the late 1960s until the mid 1990s. In 1969, murders in the city passed the 1,000 mark and remained over that threshold until 1996. In 1990, there were a staggering 2,245 murders. There wasn’t a significant drop in murders until Giuliani’s first year as mayor in 1994, when the number dropped from 1,946 the previous year to 1,561. The rate continued to drop during his tenure and Michael Bloomberg’s tenure. There were only 414 murders in 2012 – the lowest total since the NYPD began keeping track in 1963. Cashill, who was born and raised in New York, believes that the success that Giuliani and his successor, Bloomberg, had in lowering crime shocked residents’ expectations that things would only get worse. “The assumption was that everything was getting worse and it would always get worse. What Giuliani showed was that was not necessarily true. For 20 years, they have had a reign of sober police work, starting with Giuliani and continuing with Bloomberg,” Cashill stated. De Blasio has said that one of the main reasons he opposes tough police measures, such as “Stop and Frisk,” is because they unfairly single out young males, like his black son, and jeopardize their safety. Cashill countered that claim, insisting the policies ensure the safety of young, African-American males. “‘Stop and Frisk’ policies protect people who look like De Blasio’s son, because they are the people who get killed. They don’t get killed by Neighborhood Watch coordinators, they don’t get killed by the police, they get killed by other kids who look like them. The notion that your child will somehow be safer because of its elimination is nonsense,” Cashill rebutted. Cashill believes that the movers and shakers of New York won’t put up with de Blasio’s policies if they lead to more crime and violence and will ensure he doesn’t receive a second term. “Now after 20 years, they’re kicking it back and going back to the ‘bad old ways.’ But I think four years later, De Blasio will be out on his butt, because I think people will have seen where that style of thinking leads,” Cashill said He noted New York City has a base of very wealthy people and prominent institutions. “These things had to be protected, so there was going to be a struggle to save New York City that Newark did not have. That is where the resistance came from – they weren’t going to let that infrastructure degrade to the point to where it was no longer usable,” he said. Colin Flaherty, author of “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It,” also agreed with Cashill’s concerned about the election of de Blasio. “The New York of the 1970s was a dismal, dark and dangerous place. Everyone said it was not governable, everybody said it was too big and unwieldy, it was just too dangerous, and people were just leaving. Then, Giuliani came in there and said: ‘Now we can fix this, we can start enforcing the laws,’” Flaherty told WND. “I can’t understand why anybody would think that was a better time for New York, because it was terrible up there … this is not going to end well.” He said that his police contacts in New York were very worried about the election of de Blasio and the effect it might have on crime in the city. One officer even told him: “It’s going to be horrible!” In “If I Had A Son,” Cashill tells the inside story of how, as the result of a tragic encounter with troubled 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, the media turned Zimmerman into a white racist vigilante, “the most hated man in America.” “‘White Girl Bleed a Lot’: The Return of Racial Violence and How the Media Ignore It” documents more than 500 cases of black mob violence in more than 100 cities around the country. See Cashill’s comments on his investigation of the Martin case: Read more at wnd/2013/12/new-mayor-inspires-leftist-revolution-in-nyc/#LuEM2BqZ5omiVCtk.99
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 00:14:51 +0000

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