New post added at News Channel 365 - Hands-on: Drawn to Death tops - TopicsExpress


New post added at News Channel 365 - Hands-on: Drawn to Death tops Sony’s list of big-ticket 2015 gamesSource: arstechnica - Tuesday, December 16, 2014 We were reluctant to get excited about Sony's inaugural PlayStation Experience event in Las Vegas last week, mostly because we've been to a few half-baked, not-quite-E3 video game expos before; these tend to either feature games we've already seen or way too many look-don't-touch teasers. But Sony didn't slack off in the slightest, making sure its show's thousands upon thousands of attendees had plenty of brand-new stuff to play. PSX hosted so much new content, in fact, that we have to split our impressions into two articles. We're starting with the show's bigger-ticket first-party fare, including two of PlayStation 4's biggest games coming in the first half of next year. Tune in later this week for a look at the expo's glut of indie and small-fry stunners. The Order: 1886 : Players’ loss is Twitch's gain An official image from Sony's site, which we can confirm is how the game looks in real time. 4 more images in gallery The Order: 1886 should soundly end all debate among console fanboys about their favorite systems' specs and processing power. In that limited-yet-crucial regard, the PS4 has won. Twice now, I've lodged my eyeballs almost directly into a 50-inch screen while playing this game and come back with no qualms calling this the current generation's bona fide visual masterpiece. Camera angles, weather effects, and a striking steampunk aesthetic come together quite well, but it's the facial stuff—animations, scars, hair, bAll Related
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 04:05:50 +0000

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